So i'm 20 years old. I moved out of my family home three years ago, and have since lived alone for about a year and then spent the rest of the time living with my girlfriend. I was born and raised in Liverpool, a fairly huge city in Britian, where i still live now in a pretty nice apartment right in the city centre. I also work in a very popular and often very busy clothes store in the middle of the city. That's enough background.
So today is Christmas Eve, and unfortunately i have to work - as many do. On my seven hour shift i'm surprised that the store is so busy and that so many people would actually go out shopping on Christmas Eve, but i can hardly hold it against them. Serving on the register though, i slowly got ground down by the steady stream of just flat-out rude people, be it dumping clothes in front of you, having you fold and bag them all and then just walking off without so much as a thank you grunt, to a complete psycopath who was shouting every horrendous obscenity you can think of at a poor young girl who had done nothing wrong. I intervened and told her to calm down, only to have her scream a series of personal insults towards me instead. On Christmas Eve.
The final straw if you will (and i know this is sounding a lot like a blog post but it'll get to the point now), was when my Christmas cheer was suddenly restored upon realising it was time for me to go home. I looked at the clock, saw the last three seconds of my shift count down, said bye to everyone and wished them all a merry christmas and went about my way feeling so happy and relieved to be able to go home and enjoy Christmas. Until i decide in my happiness, that i'm going to stop off for a milkshake on the way home. Me and just one other guy in the store, so it's totally empty. He makes his order, at which point a large group of very tall, skin-headed, bully-looking guys walk in who just walk straight up to the counter, passing me by as i stand there behind the guy in front of me. The guy behind the register says nothing, just serves the dude who blatantly pushed in front of me. Then as his order is complete, serves the guy next to him. Then the third. At this point i just sigh and leave.
And on my way home i had the following epiphany:
About 15% of the people i served in that shop during my seven hour shift were nice people, or at least just polite. Not everyone is super-friendly, some are shy, so you cant expect everyone to be your best friend, and i'm cool with that. So included in that 15% are the quiet ones who at least just smile.
Leaving 85% of the people i encounted being flat-out horrible people. Rude, inconsiderate, loud, selfish, bullies, abusive - whatever. It just seemed that contrary to what i believed when i was younger, horrible people were not in the tiny minority spoiling it for the rest of us good guys. Horrible people are everywhere. And at that point i made up my mind that i would make it my life's ambition to move somewhere else. Anywhere else.
And so i ask you - what countries/cities do you think are friendly? Have you ever been somewhere where the people just seemed nice, relaxed or laid back? Somewhere where there's an actual community and friendliness vibe? Because that's the place i want to live.
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