What I find funny is this girl takes an issue with sexual violence being talked about in her mythology class and texts. What's funny about that is those that play on that they are the most offended by the subject of rape probably talk about rape and sexual violence incessantly. If anything she was probably in here element during those parts of the class.
"Hey Suzie, how are you today?"
"Oh, okay I guess, trying not to get raped in public and all."
"Yeah, I hear you girl, I could feel guys raping me with their eyes all the way to class today."
"You go to that party last week."
"Yeah, some breeder had the audacity to say 'hello' to me. He was like trying the 'aren't we in a class together' rape tactic."
"Pig. They should all be castrated."
"Yeah, so like, I'm on my way to class now, and this professor has us reading this stuff in my classical mythology class, and there's like rape in it and stuff "
"Eww, like doesn't he know that talk about rape makes women really uncomfortable?"
"I know right, I hate talking about rape. He's like raping my mind in that class. Fucking rape culture."
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