@sSubZerOo said:
@ribstaylor1 said:
@Renevent42:Ya I don't think a lot of people seem to get it. She never once tried to go through any form of the proper channels to alert the school of her medical disabilities. She didn't follow any proper procedures or laws that actually would have made this a non situation, then took the path of a Victim made demands after class about the material she payed to learn and sued them when they didn't cave to her irrational fears that she didn't bother even attempting to back up with anything other then it offends me, I don't like it, you deal with it attitude.
It's not his job to pander to every one of his students irrational fears/issues, if said student isn't able to show on paper an actual diagnosis and a doctors note stating she's eligible for certain accommodations. And in which case it isn't even his job to do that it's to teach and create curriculum for learning. It would be the Faculty in the wing of their school that deals with disabilities paper work and accommodations, that would end up dealing with it to the point in Talking to the professor about said accommodations just before classes start.
Like what would ever get taught if every professor had to sit and deal with all their students quarrels and issues like it's 4th grade English and every kid needs 10 minutes of teacher time, and maybe some after school help. And then pander the curriculum to them individually because compassion and being you know a nice guy is apparently expected even when one stirring the pot is literally ignoring the systems put in place for their issue. Then come to him after class making demands while having nothing to show for proof of their issues. Collage is a business he gets payed to teach, and those without a legal binding issue that warrants accommodation shouldn't and isn't part of his job description or general concern. He is a professor,. A teacher of adults. Not a god damn baby sitter.
She failed to properly show she had a disability, demanded she be treated like she had one, and couldn't handle being, I'm assuming put in her place by that professor and got angry and sued. This woman deserves no respect. She thinks she's above everyone else and the rules put in place for everyone's benefit. People like this disgust me.
... Let me get this through your thick skull.. No one likes telling people that they have been raped or sexual assaulted, to the point some people haven't even gone to the police to report the shit.. Just like no one likes to tell others that they are suffering from depression or anxiety attacks, to the point we see people who every one thought they were happy, take their own life.. Being a asshole about it is as bad as saying we need to ban this material. Your ignorance on the matter is hilarious. A teacher of adults? Your complete lack of empathy would tell me you really don't have any place in the class either.. You guys sound as bad as the SJW you blow back on.
Any professor in this situation would have most likely apologized for putting her through that.. And would have tried to alter HER specific course work and warned her to leave the room if they were going to discuss a specific story.. This is mythology for crying out loud, this isn't some capstone course that is the foundation of her major.. Professors do this all the time with students in altering certain things often for specific students due to such things, especially a most likely 100 level course like this.. .
Her having PTSD because of rape Doesn't change the fact she ignored all proper routes put in place for her, then made demands she was in no position to make with no doctors note or conducive medical history. So I don't get how it's just everyone Else's responsibility then since she wasn't at any time willing to deal with it within the systems the school and governments put in place for people in need of such things? How does her ignoring the issue completely, even though the course would have 100% been lade out before classes started, then going to a professor asking for a change/exemption from work everyone in the class has to do, due to her so called perceived Mental disability/illness that she offers zero proof actually exists to the school, exalt her form the responsibilities to offer such proof in a manor conducive to the schools systems and rules and government laws?
If that's the case lets give everyone extra time, whole sections they can skip,etc...When dealing with students needing extensions/time off due to family, medical or work issues they don't just go handing them out on the word of the student. Proof 98% of the time is needed. If you honestly think all the collages and universities do this regularly for everyone your dead fucking wrong. It's an exception used when actual proof of the reason you need such things is actually available or trust between student and staff is high enough to allow for it. Something she didn't have or even attempt to get before making her so called demands, while expecting special treatment.
Her being raped in the past and not ignoring her PTSD to the point of it not existing on paper for proof isn't a get out of your responsibilities and get special treatment card, when everyone else has to do the same paper work and what not no matter what their disabilities or special needs. Like I said she's not a fucking child, she's an adult and she chose to not claim her disability and get accommodations from the school. And it was her decision to then once she was offended bring it up with zero proof to the prof or school of this disability, while asking for special treatment and removal of material which led to him I'm assuming being no it's the course you don't have a disability and haven't shown me one with lawful papers that would warrant he material removal.
By the way if you'd read my previous posts in this thread You'd have realized I'm not new to dealing with crippling depression, and anxiety so bad I avoided everyone and everything. So It's not like I don't understand that feeling of complete and total non control of your emotions and the closing in of your perceptions to almost nothing, or anxiety so bad you can't even leave the house or walk down a street with someone on the same side walk let alone look someone in the eye.. But I'm not going to go and say I wasn't responsible for the decisions I made at that time, or that my mental illness and not wanting to deal with it like she's done wasn't a 100% a conscious decision by me because it was just like it is for her. Your responsible for yourself at all times in all decisions that includes killing yourself for those that actually do it instead of dealing and or pushing past those issues. She made her decision and decided to try to get preferential treatment with nothing but because I say I have this attitude thinking she'd just pull the victim card and she'd skip right past all the stuff everyone else has to go through to have such things.
It doesn't matter who you are if you want to file for a disability in collage/university. Get in line and fill out the paper work like everyone else. If not don't go expecting anyone to go feeling sorry for you. I have no sympathies for people who think ignoring the systems in place and complaining at the last possible second about issues you now have because you didn't bother being an adult who actually read up on what they payed to learn or take responsibility for your mental state and overall health and it's treatment. Especially when one goes making demands of others and the school, after completely ignoring everything that would have told you/allowed them not have to deal with such material. Then to go and sue.. Yep No empathy or sympathy for her at all. I know her kind. Not too smart, entitled, and thinks everything should drop and revolve around her and her issues like hers are more important then other peoples.
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