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anyone old enough will remember all the networks breaking in on programming to cover the low speed pursuit of OJ Simpson down the LA freeways.xaos
Grrr! I remember watching the Rockets and Knicks in the NBA Finals and then all of a sudden: "We interrupt this broadcast..."
i have a few friends who live in iran and when Michael jackson passed away-not saying that it MJ's fault or anything-all the attention from the iranian people protesting and wanting freedom went away and when my friends found that no one in the outside world was covering what they were doing they kinda got depressed and lost hope a little since news is a big way to reach many people around the world...so yes i think most times they cover celebrity news a little too much and extreme..
*scribbles down notes on Oleg*Grrr! I remember watching the Rockets and Knicks in the NBA Finals and then all of a sudden: "We interrupt this broadcast..."
[QUOTE="FragStains"]Michael Jackson died??!! Why did I not see anything about this on the news!! Jandurin
[QUOTE="Oleg_Huzwog"]*scribbles down notes on Oleg*Grrr! I remember watching the Rockets and Knicks in the NBA Finals and then all of a sudden: "We interrupt this broadcast..."
I'd like to see a copy of those notes.
[QUOTE="Oleg_Huzwog"]*scribbles down notes on Oleg* You're not STILL trying to gather dirt on the mysterious Oleg are you?Grrr! I remember watching the Rockets and Knicks in the NBA Finals and then all of a sudden: "We interrupt this broadcast..."
Sure, I'll put them in your mailbox :DI'd like to see a copy of those notes.
You're not STILL trying to gather dirt on the mysterious Oleg are you?nocoolnamejimno, but i like to play
FragStainsI believe we have hijacked this thread.
[QUOTE="FragStains"]Need that shirt; Airplane references make me happy.xaos
hows that an airplane reference? other thant it came form COD4: MW's Mile High Club
Need that shirt; Airplane references make me happy[QUOTE="xaos"][QUOTE="FragStains"]
hows that an airplane reference? other thant it came form COD4: MW's Mile High Club
Oh, you youngins; the line did not come from Call of Duty[QUOTE="TheShadowLord07"][QUOTE="xaos"] Need that shirt; Airplane references make me happyxaos
hows that an airplane reference? other thant it came form COD4: MW's Mile High Club
Oh, you youngins; the line did not come from Call of DutyDid i say came? I meant i heard it from cod4.
WAT lol Wat Lol WAT grumble. xaos already covered this, but I needed to join in.other thant it came form COD4: MW's Mile High Club
It's a plague. Sure, the whole Michael Jackson dying thing was a big hit on the entertainment industry, but the media coverage it got was neither necessary nor deserved. The whole time all the news outlets were going on and on about Jackson day and night I kept thinking to myself: "There has to be more important things going on than this."
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