The Evergreen State College biology professor Bret Weinstein was targeted by vitriolic and aggressive student protests against him this week after he refused to leave campus during a so-called “Day of Absence.” It was a day in which white people were told to stay away from campus so students of color could have a safe space to powwow and commiserate.
That observance was in mid-April, but this week massive protests unfolded against Weinstein after students found out about his conscientious objection to the absence day and his refusal to support their demands for racial reparations.
Videos of these protests show a bunch of mostly white students yelling at this white professor for not leaving campus on the no-whites day. Wrap your head around that.
The College Fix
Combine this with the racist media reportings on the Portland terrorist mentally-ill Berniebro, and it seems to me we have a good dose of racism against white people in this country as of late. Living in Seattle I see racism against white people all the time and it's essentially just accepted as the status-quo. It doesn't matter if you grew up with broken family with broke-ass parents - if you're white, people automatically assume you're privileged and it's always going to be weighted against you. Liberals seem to be the most racist towards white people (despite most of them being white themselves), so it's no surprise that I see it often living in Seattle.
The fact that a no-white's day was actually allowed at this campus is some mind-bending stuff. Can you imagine if a campus held a "no blacks" day?
EDIT: Dave Rubin today (5/31) had this professor as a guest on his show for an interview. Please check it out!
EDIT 2: Joe Rogan (6/2) had this professor as a guest
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