@KHAndAnime said:
The Evergreen State College biology professor Bret Weinstein was targeted by vitriolic and aggressive student protests against him this week after he refused to leave campus during a so-called “Day of Absence.” It was a day in which white people were told to stay away from campus so students of color could have a safe space to powwow and commiserate.
That observance was in mid-April, but this week massive protests unfolded against Weinstein after students found out about his conscientious objection to the absence day and his refusal to support their demands for racial reparations.
Videos of these protests show a bunch of mostly white students yelling at this white professor for not leaving campus on the no-whites day. Wrap your head around that.
The College Fix
Combine this with the racist media reportings on the Portland terrorist mentally-ill Berniebro, and it seems to me we have a good dose of racism against white people in this country as of late.
MAX stabbing suspect is a white supremacist with a history of violence
Christian recently gained local notoriety at an April “Free Speech” march in Southeast Portland. He was draped with the American flag and reportedly chanting “n*****” throughout the march.
Christian was rejected by conservatives, liberals and anarchists at the march after spewing hate speech and was escorted away from the march by police.
On his Facebook page, Christian shared a post with a video and photo of him performing a Nazi salute during the march. In a comment on his page Christian proclaimed, “I am White and a Nationalist for Vinland.”
His Facebook page is full of disturbing posts supporting white supremacy, attacking women, mocking transgender people, and shows a man obsessed with fascism.
In a post three days after the inauguration of Donald Trump, Christian posted:
“If Donald Trump is the Next Hitler then I am joining his SS to put an end to Monotheist Question. All Zionist Jews, All Christians who do not follow Christ's teaching of Love, Charity, and Forgiveness And All Jihadi Muslims are going to Madagascar or the Ovens/FEMA Camps!!! Does this make me a fascist!!! #MonotheistHolocaust FinalSolutionToTheMonotheistQuestion”
On that same day Christian, who shows support for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders on his Facebook page, posted a death threat about Hillary Clinton.
“Death to Hillary Rodham Clinton and all her supporters!!! To be carried out by Bernie Supporters who didn't turn traitor and vote Hillary....”
In an April post, Christian called Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh a “TRUE PATRIOT!!!”
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