there are roughly 430 nuclear power reactors currently in operation
over 60 further nuclear power reactors are under construction, while over 150 are firmly planned
good or bad move for humanity?
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[QUOTE="Inconsistancy"]Good.BiancaDKeven taking into account the 300.000 tonnes of nuclear waste present in the world today?
... That is absolutely NOTHING.. You can safely store that in one location on the planet.. And it wouldn't be very big.. The only thing I hope is that government agencies properly police the system.. But I don't see that happening when you have people like the Koch Brothers who have basically crusaded against agencies like the EPA to the point that its pretty much toothless and can't even keep up with enforcing things like the Clean Water Act..
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"].. You can safely store that in one location on the planet..BiancaDKhow can you say you can safely store something, if you must store it safely for a million years
... Do I have to break down the definition? The fact of the matter is the waste it prevents can be easily contained and we have already developed effective means to store it.. If you have a problem with it, please find us a cleaner and just as a effective energy source.. Because we haven't gotten one yet.. Its far more effective and cleaner than fossil fuels.. And its WAY more effective than currently where our green energy inititives are at.. Until we do develope a better system nuclear energy is the best option..
how can you say you can safely store something, if you must store it safely for a million years[QUOTE="BiancaDK"][QUOTE="sSubZerOo"].. You can safely store that in one location on the planet..sSubZerOo
... Do I have to break down the definition? The fact of the matter is the waste it prevents can be easily contained and we have already developed effective means to store it.. If you have a problem with it, please find us a cleaner and just as a effective energy source.. Because we haven't gotten one yet.. Its far more effective and cleaner than fossil fuels.. And its WAY more effective than currently where our green energy inititives are at.. Until we do develope a better system nuclear energy is the best option..
we have not developed effective means of storage of nuclear waste ask any engineer[QUOTE="thegerg"] No, it's not a global problem. Storage/disposal of nuclear waste is quite well regulated and doesn't really pose much of a problem to anyone. What energy solution do you feel would provide a better alternative?BiancaDKit by definition becomes a global problem if the problem encompasses the world but you are right, we are doing a good job at handling the waste right now, but the people that handle the waste, say they cannot keep handling it, because they must use surface based facilities, and the surface is volatile there is an ice age coming within the next 60.000 years how safe do you reckon storage facilities that depend on a constant supply of energy in order to cool their water pools would be in such a scenario?
.................. How safe do you think mankind will be when we have a ice age occuring to begin with? If you seriously think thats the top concern when a GLOBAL wide ice age occurs is whether nuclear waste will be safely secured.. Well I would say you have your prioities mixed up a bit..
................. How safe do you think mankind will be when we have a ice age occuring to begin with? If you seriously think thats the top concern when a GLOBAL wide ice age occurs is whether nuclear waste will be safely secured.. Well I would say you have your prioities mixed up a bit..sSubZerOoan ice age will pass with relative haste, compared to radioactivity you never adressed the point of long-term safe storage by the way that's funny to me
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]................. How safe do you think mankind will be when we have a ice age occuring to begin with? If you seriously think thats the top concern when a GLOBAL wide ice age occurs is whether nuclear waste will be safely secured.. Well I would say you have your prioities mixed up a bit..BiancaDKan ice age will pass with relative haste, compared to radioactivity you never adressed the point of long-term safe storage by the way that's funny to me
............... Yeah and cause a complete collapse of our food chain due to plants and animals being snuffed out due to drastic climate change.. Leading to mass starvation.. IF you seriously think THATS not as serious than the possibility of a few sites that aren't very big on the world to be compromised.. Well than I say we are about done here..
and when we run out of uranium and plutonium? will we have a choice then?[QUOTE="BiancaDK"][QUOTE="Gen007"]
we really dont have a choice with the way energy demand is going up.
Thorium. Its also a relatively common element in the planet earth.
if thorium is of finite supply, which it must be since it is confined to this planet, at least in terms of human accessability and commercial practicality, how does that respond to a rising curve of energy demand? and what about the subsequent waste issue once the energy is spent?an ice age will pass with relative haste, compared to radioactivity you never adressed the point of long-term safe storage by the way that's funny to me[QUOTE="BiancaDK"][QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]................. How safe do you think mankind will be when we have a ice age occuring to begin with? If you seriously think thats the top concern when a GLOBAL wide ice age occurs is whether nuclear waste will be safely secured.. Well I would say you have your prioities mixed up a bit..sSubZerOo
............... Yeah and cause a complete collapse of our food chain due to plants and animals being snuffed out due to drastic climate change.. Leading to mass starvation.. IF you seriously think THATS not as serious than the possibility of a few sites that aren't very big on the world to be compromised.. Well than I say we are about done here..
we cant do much about the ice age, now can we[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"][QUOTE="BiancaDK"] an ice age will pass with relative haste, compared to radioactivity you never adressed the point of long-term safe storage by the way that's funny to meBiancaDK
............... Yeah and cause a complete collapse of our food chain due to plants and animals being snuffed out due to drastic climate change.. Leading to mass starvation.. IF you seriously think THATS not as serious than the possibility of a few sites that aren't very big on the world to be compromised.. Well than I say we are about done here..
we cant do much about the ice age, now can weYour right, lets start talking about our landfills.. What if a meteor struck us! Or no wait a solar flare shorted out everything.. Garbage would pile up and we wouldnt' be able to get rid of it.. Because quite CLEARLY those would the most important concerns when a meteor strikes or a immense solar flare shorts out everything..
we cant do much about the ice age, now can we[QUOTE="BiancaDK"][QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]
............... Yeah and cause a complete collapse of our food chain due to plants and animals being snuffed out due to drastic climate change.. Leading to mass starvation.. IF you seriously think THATS not as serious than the possibility of a few sites that aren't very big on the world to be compromised.. Well than I say we are about done here..
Your right, lets start talking about our landfills.. What if a meteor struck us! Or no wait a solar flare shorted out everything.. Garbage would pile up and we wouldnt' be able to get rid of it.. Because quite CLEARLY those would the most important concerns when a meteor strikes or a immense solar flare shorts out everything..
if you must keep reducing the gravity of the situation by pulling in a bigger situation in comparison, i think you should pull on the forthcoming deep cold of the universe, that way i think you have it all covered mostlyif thorium is of finite supply, which it must be since it is confined to this planet, at least in terms of human accessability and commercial practicality, how does that respond to a rising curve of energy demand? and what about the subsequent waste issue once the energy is spent?BiancaDK
Frankly, your argument doesn't make much sense considering oil and coal are also limited. Something with a useable lifespan of 100+ years is a perfectly fine alternative for energy demands. No doubt by then, there will be better, alternative solutions.
Independant of that, Thorium reactors produce far "safer" waste than typical uranium reactors:
In theory, (Liquid-Floride Thorium Reactors) LFTRs would produce far less waste along their entire process chain, from ore extraction to nuclear waste storage, than LWRs. A LFTR power plant would generate 4,000 times less mining waste (solids and liquids of similar character to those in uranium mining) and would generate 1,000 to 10,000 times less nuclear waste than an LWR. Additionally, because LFTR burns all of its nuclear fuel, the majority of the waste products (83%) are safe within 10 years, and the remaining waste products (17%) need to be stored in geological isolation for only about 300 years (compared to 10,000 years or more for LWR waste). Additionally, the LFTR can be used to "burn down" waste from an LWR (nearly the entirety of the United States' nuclear waste stockpile) into the standard waste products of an LFTR, so long-term storage of nuclear waste would no longer be
Your reasoning could apply to everything, "why breathe air if air is finite?" and its silly.
Claiming that it is a problem doesn't make it a problem, you know.thegergsure it does it might not be a problem for you, but if i claim to have a problem, then that problem is real to me, whether or not it applies to you is inconsequential if people around the globe claims this to be a problem, then it becomes a global problem why are you playing semantics when you're pisspoor at it
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"][QUOTE="BiancaDK"] we cant do much about the ice age, now can weBiancaDK
Your right, lets start talking about our landfills.. What if a meteor struck us! Or no wait a solar flare shorted out everything.. Garbage would pile up and we wouldnt' be able to get rid of it.. Because quite CLEARLY those would the most important concerns when a meteor strikes or a immense solar flare shorts out everything..
if you must keep reducing the gravity of the situation by pulling in a bigger situation in comparison, i think you should pull on the forthcoming deep cold of the universe, that way i think you have it all covered mostlyYour the one that started it with a immense diseaster in which we wouldn't be able to guarentee anything to try to prove your point.. In such a event the said matter is trivial indeed when well over half the worlds population would die out from the event it self to begin with..
[QUOTE="BiancaDK"] if thorium is of finite supply, which it must be since it is confined to this planet, at least in terms of human accessability and commercial practicality, how does that respond to a rising curve of energy demand? and what about the subsequent waste issue once the energy is spent?XaosII
Frankly, your argument doesn't make much sense considering oil and coal are also limited. Something with a useable lifespan of 100+ years is a perfectly fine alternative for energy demands. No doubt by then, there will be better, alternative solutions.
Independant of that, Thorium reactors produce far "safer" waste than typical uranium reactors:
In theory, (Liquid-Floride Thorium Reactors) LFTRs would produce far less waste along their entire process chain, from ore extraction to nuclear waste storage, than LWRs. A LFTR power plant would generate 4,000 times less mining waste (solids and liquids of similar character to those in uranium mining) and would generate 1,000 to 10,000 times less nuclear waste than an LWR. Additionally, because LFTR burns all of its nuclear fuel, the majority of the waste products (83%) are safe within 10 years, and the remaining waste products (17%) need to be stored in geological isolation for only about 300 years (compared to 10,000 years or more for LWR waste). Additionally, the LFTR can be used to "burn down" waste from an LWR (nearly the entirety of the United States' nuclear waste stockpile) into the standard waste products of an LFTR, so long-term storage of nuclear waste would no longer be
Your reasoning could apply to everything, "why breathe air if air is finite?" and its silly.
i am not arguing against the use of finite resources where is your reading comprehension?i did no such thing, if so, quote itYour the one that started it with a immense diseaster in which we wouldn't be able to guarentee anything to try to prove your point.. In such a event the said matter is trivial indeed when well over half the worlds population would die out from the event it self to begin with..
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]i did no such thing, if so, quote it YOU JUST BROUGHT UP A ICE AGE hitting us in which then suddenly those nuclear storage sties are a big problem!Your the one that started it with a immense diseaster in which we wouldn't be able to guarentee anything to try to prove your point.. In such a event the said matter is trivial indeed when well over half the worlds population would die out from the event it self to begin with..
[QUOTE="BiancaDK"]i am not arguing against the use of finite resources where is your reading comprehension?XaosII
You aren't actually interested in discussing this; You just want someone to validate your flawed, unresearched opinion.
you're thinking too highly of yourself and the role you play, now[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]YOU JUST BROUGHT UP A ICE AGE hitting us in which then suddenly those nuclear storage sties are a big problem!BiancaDKi can bring up the ice age, without bringing in the point of us being unable to guarantee anything differentiate, please Either you are trolling or you lack basic reasoning.. You attempted to give us a natural disaster like a global ice age in attempt to illustrate that nuclear waste is a huge problem.. The fact of the matter everything is a huge problem with something like that.. That we pretty much can talk about ANYTHING and everything with something like that because our system is never going to be prepared for a global wide ice age. And I find it hilarious you must use THAT specific event in attempts to illustrate that nuclear waste can't be contained safely.. Which by that point we pretty much can talk about all technology, infrastructure, etc etc because they are ALL going to fail when something like that happens..
We might be able to use laser propulsion to send nuclear waste far from earth. As for nuclear power plants, well I'm not quite sure. Some people say that there are already green alternatives in place that would cost less than restoring a power plant and give the same amount of energy, but others say that those alternatives don't provide energy at a rate that is steady enough. I think it would be unwise to assume that nuclear waste will still be on earth in 100 000 years, which is what a lot of environmentalists are implying.
[QUOTE="BiancaDK"][QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]YOU JUST BROUGHT UP A ICE AGE hitting us in which then suddenly those nuclear storage sties are a big problem!sSubZerOoi can bring up the ice age, without bringing in the point of us being unable to guarantee anything differentiate, please Either you are trolling or you lack basic reasoning.. You attempted to give us a natural disaster like a global ice age in attempt to illustrate that nuclear waste is a huge problem.. The fact of the matter everything is a huge problem with something like that.. That we pretty much can talk about ANYTHING and everything with something like that because our system is never going to be prepared for a global wide ice age. And I find it hilarious you must use THAT specific event in attempts to illustrate that nuclear waste can't be contained safely.. Which by that point we pretty much can talk about all technology, infrastructure, etc etc because they are ALL going to fail when something like that happens.. onkalo is built to withstand the effects of an ice age hence my point stands and yours dont lol
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"].. The waste is easier to control and store than fossil fuels..BiancaDKi pray you are being facetious Please tell us how you can contain the pollution produced by coal plants or oil? You can't the emissions go into the atmosphere.. Not just green house gases, but compounds that produce things like acid rain..
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"][QUOTE="BiancaDK"] i can bring up the ice age, without bringing in the point of us being unable to guarantee anything differentiate, pleaseBiancaDKEither you are trolling or you lack basic reasoning.. You attempted to give us a natural disaster like a global ice age in attempt to illustrate that nuclear waste is a huge problem.. The fact of the matter everything is a huge problem with something like that.. That we pretty much can talk about ANYTHING and everything with something like that because our system is never going to be prepared for a global wide ice age. And I find it hilarious you must use THAT specific event in attempts to illustrate that nuclear waste can't be contained safely.. Which by that point we pretty much can talk about all technology, infrastructure, etc etc because they are ALL going to fail when something like that happens.. onkalo is built to withstand the effects of an ice age hence my point stands and yours dont lol
Not the nuclear plant though.. You claimed that the workers would have trouble accessing it due to the said ice age meaning it would be left out.. The nuclear plant would not be operating because no one is going to stick around when something like that hits.. It would be a global wide diseaster with rampant starvation in which government and society pretty much breaks down..
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