- The fact that fruit flies refused to evolve into something else.
Fruit flies aren't 'refusing' to evolve. There is simply no need for them to evolve. You're still under the frame of mind the evolution is spontaneous and constant. The fruit flies will only evolve if you subject them to an altered environment where they're forced to adapt. Only then will you see them evolve to suit the changes, and even then it could hundreds or thousand of years to see any significant change.
- "The remarkable fact is that all the physical evidence we have for human evolution can still be placed, with room to spare, inside a single coffin! ...Modern apes, for instance, seem to have sprung out of nowhere. They have no yesterday, no fossil record. And the true origin of modern humans - of upright, naked, tool-making, big-brained beings - is, if we are to be honest with ourselves, an equally mysterious matter." -Science Digest
Inside a coffin with room to spare? As someone else said, go to a Museum and see. There's millions of fossils of apes over millions of years showing the differences in species. Humans only appear to have sprung out of nowhere because we are yet to find the 'missing link'. Even then, at what point in time did humans actually become human? It's a slow transition and there's no point in time you can pinpoint when a 'human' appeared. And as I've said to you before, fossils don't always form. The process for fossilization is complex and requires the right conditions, so there is obviously not going to be a fossil for every living thing that existed.
Also, chimpanzees use tools. They use sticks to pry holes with. That's an example of using tools. Seagulls will drop shells on rocks to get to the creatures inside. That's using rocks as a tool. Dolphins have big brains and are extremely intelligent. They simply do not operate the way we do.
- The fact that the so-called natural selection only explains how they survived. It only weeds out the unfit and the fit (and their offsprings) are still the same creatures.
Again you're refusing to acknowledge my example in previous threads. Through natural selection, the beneficial mutations remain and thus become the norm for a species. Over time, these beneficial mutations change the species in to something new. Explaining how they survived is explaining how the genetic mutations survived which caused the evolution of the species. Come on, use some common sense here.
- The fact that mutations don't ever create anything new. They're lethal/harmful; causes loss/corruption of information.
Mutations aren't always bad. They can be advantageous. I can use myself as an example. I'm the tallest in my family, I have broader shoulders and bigger feet than anyone else in my family. As such I'm a really good swimmer. This could be considered a 'mutation', because I've deviated from the norm of my family. If I have children, there is a chance the will all be good swimmers. If the world floods tomorrow, we'd have a better chance of surviving and my genetic traits would spread through following generations. You're thinking of mutation in the pejorative meaning, when the term is much broader than that.
- The fact that there's a huge gulf between people and animals.
How is there? Because we use tools and have language and culture? That's not really uncommon. Other apes have been shown to use basic tools, have their own social structures. All animals have their own means of communicating. You make a baseless argument here. Humans are animals too. We live here on Earth, we're part of the foodchain. We're nothing special. To think that we're 'above' other animals is arrogant, in my opinion.
All these 'facts' against evolution are just baseless speculation and proves that you still don't even understand the simplest concepts of evolution. Please, go learn the details of evolution before making these nonsensical arguments.
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