I'm always asked the same question when I point out the idiocy of Barry in my posts, "Why don't you ever talk about McCain?" I think I'm not alone when I say McCain isn't my choice either. The guy continues to turn his back on Conservatives and Libertarians time and time again. Look at the examples:
He's falling for the hype of global warming. Maybe it's real, maybe it's not but the science isn't 100% in on it at the moment.
He's willing to talk about socialist healthcare. Health insurance is a privilege, not a right. It's not in the Bill of Rights, nor should it ever be. Think about it; our incompetant Government in charge of healthcare? No thanks.
McCain/Feingold. McCain/Kennedy. McCain/Liberman. I can go on and on and on.
**** this. I'm voting for Bob Barr.8)
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