[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"][QUOTE="Tolwan"][QUOTE="sSubZerOo"] This cracks me up.. I guess people forget quickly the panel that Bush CHOSE TO DISPROVE GLOBAL WARMINGS came back and told him it is infact happenign and mankind has some afffect on it..
Now ask me this, why would Bush choose "liberal slanted scientist" over "conservative slanted scientists", or objective minded scientists.. Meaning its not a complete fabrication..
Not to mention the ACTUAL SOLUTIONS are for the best of our nation like getting off of oil maybe? I also would like to point out how big the fossil fuels industry is which is against such things.. It took years to pin something on the Tobacco industry on it being harmful.. A much smaller industry, due to their lobbying and propaganda.. How the hell can we not expect the exact same things from a far larger corporation? In the end the solutions on trying to slow down global warming should be taken REGARDLESS if its happening or not..
Yes, because destroying third world countries and america's economy in the name of sensationalism is the best way to go. No one will argue with you that we should get off oil, however. Most republicans have been pushing for nuclear energy for a long time, except that's the one thing the liberals say "no" to. Amazing creatures they are, they want us to get off, but only if we do it *their* way.
Yes because we want to pull the plug immediately on it, where we just stop oil one day.. Seriously your logic is that of a small child if you think that a gradual change could not be done. Secondly, China and India will need oil no matter what for a long time they are developing nations so oil contributors would by no means be devestated by it..
Lastly what does this have anythign to do with the liberals? I was merely talking about global warming in general, yes that is a problem that needs to be changed no one is argueing with that.. Basically what your doing is crying and saying "buh buh buh the other side" who cares buddy, what does this have anything to do when debating about logical solutions to a possible problem>?
ah, i see. Character assassination and personal insults to discredit your opponent in order to further your own opinion as the only "valid" opinion here. I see..
I apologize its just frustrating when we have alot of evidence specially with scientists from BUSHS OWN PANEL HE CHOSE.
There is still no significant scientific (note: Scientific, aka via the scientific method) that indicates that humanity has anything to do with Global Warming.
There is scientists cosntantly argueing on evolution but it is one of the most well known facts we have in science.. The point is the majority is the rule when it comes tot he science community and as stated earlier he did show that but there are far more scienctists across the world that say otherwise.. NOW WHAT DO THEY HAVE TO GAIN FROM saying that global warming is happenign? If anything if its heeded the steps taken will HINDER OUR LIVES and no one willg ain from it in the short run.
As a matter of fact, MarineJcksn provided a link with many, many scientists who say that we have nothing at all to do with it. So trying to put limits on the worlds Co2 emmissions could easily crush their economies, mostly on developing countries, but it would certainly harm the United States.
What are you talking about? We are talking about LIMITIING OUR OWN COUNTRY. Not only is it smart possibly enviromental wise but its smart by getting off a finite resource thats EXPLODING IN PRICES.. to the point that Bush embarrassed the entire UNITED STATES BY GOING OVER TO Saudi Arabia, getting on his knees and begging the leaders there ot up their produciton.
Furthermore, everyone agree's we need to get off oil. I do not dispute that, nobody does. Most republicans would prefer to switch to nuclear energy for most things, and we are still waiting for a viable alternative to gas for vehicles(Note: Ethanol is not an economically viable alternative).
Well there is the ugliness of capitalism and lobbying.. Such things could be curved if we had public transportation, but we don't due to lobbying.
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