that seems like the end of Huminity where no one has jobs becuase robots do every thing.biocunsumer
 Seems? it will be. But in the end it will work itself out.Nodody will buy anything because they won't have income. So business wouldn't make sales. Causing existance to become old school. We would live off the land, hunt game and harvest crops when we are not too busy killing all of the wealth hording douche bags.
 I wouldn't doubt a terminator scenario. Control is an illusion. There is no conrol, only fear. A robot doesn't fear anything. So a self-aware computer or robot can't be controlled. If you can't shut it down you won't be able to stop it.
 If humanity does eventually unleash a terminator scenario.. then we deserve to be terminated. It wouldn't be an accident, because it wouldn't be an unforseen consequence. It would be humanitys fault for allowing some idiot savant to create it.
 The machines would probably kill us for being retarded. If some movie writer dreamt it up in the late 70's and we still thought it would be brilliant to create intelligent machinery.. we must be retarded.
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