A Galaxy Class starship like Enterprise D would annihilate the entire Star Wars universe by itself before Picard could say Tea, Earl Gray, Hot.
It is matter of the lore of both series. While the space battles and whatnot are fun in Star Wars, the technology employed is several hundred years old compared to that in the Star Trek universe.
Star Wars primarly uses laser based technology. Laser cannons. Blasters. Ion cannons. The heaviest weapons are Proton torpedos with a baradium main charge (nuclear reaction based). Shields are designed to defend against these threats, Death Star is equipped with a huge baradium cannon.
All very impressive in a fight against other folks with the same technology, but completely worthless in a fight in the Star Trek universe.
In Star Trek, laser weapons are ancient and have been replaced with phaser based weaponry. Enterprise encounters an entire fleet of laser based aliens who are unable to do anything to Enterprises shields. Contrast that with Star Wars where not only do they still use laser technology but they also highlight that you have to get in close because their laser cannons have only a short range :lol:
Star Wars laser rifles, blasters and so on can kill you dead in one shot.:( Star Trek handheld phasers literally disintegrate you.:lol: On wide beam they can disintegrate a 50 ft wide path of matter.:twisted:
Speaking of matter, photon torpedos in Star Trek are shielded weapons with an anti-matter/matter main charge. An anti-matter/matter reaction makes a Star Wars baradium based nuclear reaction look like a cap gun.:shock: That shouldn't be surprising since in thelore of Star Trek they abandoned nuclear reaction weapons long agoin favour of the much more power anti-matter/matter reaction.
Enterprise D has 10 main phaser banks and 5 torpedo tubes with a minimum 250 torpedos on hand. A single main phaser on low setting was capable of boring holes into a planets core. On full power a sustained burst from Enterprises' phasers are said to be capable of destroying an entire continent or a small planet. On Voyager, a single up yielded photon torpedo is said to do the same. In Star Trek you don't need a huge Death Star to do what a single starship can do many times over.:P
The best Star Wars weapon in their lore is actually the Galaxy Gun which uses a more advanced particle disintegrator warhead to destroy planets. Sadly, this too uses a relatively ancient nuclear reaction technology to do its job.
For the TL; DR
Lets see. Death Star. Large slow target. Employs ancient laser based defenses and shielding. Uses a primary main cannon that takes 3 minutes to reload utilizing a nuclear reaction charge VS much more advanced phaser technology and torpedos that use anti-matter/matter reactions. Ummmm, no just no.
Star Trek: 1
Star Wars: :cry:
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