Kinda, it happened to me when i broke up with that person, i know i couldnt be friends with her, so i dropped any sort of communication and interaction we had for good . I wouldnt want to be in that position ever again.
If I think I know what the friend zone is, then yeah, It sucks horribly, but if she doesn't want you, just pursue another person. That's what I'm doing :D
It's plain God awful torture sent from Hell itself...I'm currently in the friends zone, and I don't understand it. I've been talking to this girl for about 3 years now and we share so much in common. We will camera-chat on the computer for hours on end, talk on the phone, and text. Sometimes it lasts till 4 in the morning. The worst thing is, though, is that she never wants to hang out as friends. Probably hung out with her about a total of 4 times ever. I've shown her signs of my true feelings, but she just shoots them down and side-steps the questions, and then we continue on like friends. Even asked her to prom a year ago AS FRIENDS, but she said it would be too weird for that fact...Recently we've been whispering to eachother on the phone till 3 in the morning and talking sort of "lovey dovey", so I don't know what that means, but I know I'm not getting any of my hopes up...I can't comprehend how we can have so much in common and "spend" so much time with eachother and it not boil down to us even hanging out on a regular basis, let alone sharing the same feelings for eachother...what's up with that? maybe she's bothered by the fact thatshe knows I dig her and that I mighttry to come onto her? I don't know...STAY OUT OF THE "FRIENDS ZONE" and DON'T get yourself into it...if you dig a girl, TELL HER YOUR FEELINGS STRAIGHT UP.
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