We dont know what jesus looks like....
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Ha I was thinking the same :Pam I the only one who sees a shocking resemblance to bin laden? :?
Rule of thumb:
If there is a significant number of people that say "No" or" What is that" then it does not look like Jesus.
That looks more like Jesus than the receipt. :lol:lol just like the morons who say they saw the virgin Mary on a piece of toast
Why doesn't Jesus show himself through other means...I mean a receipt?!
Well, you have the reciept, the toast(that's if you see Jesus and not the virgin), then there's Cheesus Christ, Jesus Root, Jesus Marmite and a whole plethora of other appearances.
So I guess it's safe to say that....
see video of couple that sees Jesus in Walmart receipt out of all those things I've seen where people see Jesus in something this has to take the cake for actually looking most like a face... though I don't think it looks like Jesus (since how do people even know what Jesus looks like), though it does look a lot like Rasputin, maybe Charles Manson, or that ear on the right looks like it belongs to Nosferatu... got any idea what the face on the receipt looks like(?), 'cause I feel like I've seen it somewherelamprey263
Why do people always think it's Jesus or the Virgin Mary? I guess it has to be religious. Why can't it be someone else? I see a young Col. Sanders and now I'm hungry.
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