I think it means a film that wasn't too popular in theatres, but became popular later on dvd or vhs. I could be wrong though.
My pick would be Fight Club.
It comes on AMC all the time if you haven't seen it.
That is a recurrent effect from classic cult movies. Cult movies are the ones beloved by a social group for some reason. Like Star Trek series, people start to make a culture and a niche around certain film (Star Wars film is another example). With cult movies,. This must not be confused with popularity. Niche movies, or cult movies stay as classics and define in some way an aspect of the society, is a valuable example of a social feeling, a social fear or desire. For example, Apocalypse now shows the social fear of war. Some other Cult classics are rarities with attachment from a very specific group, but such group "worship" the movie, for example during the 1990's Nightmare Before Christmas.
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