I wonder if they "get it" by now? Or if behind closed doors they are still saying "Those goddamn haters"
Even in their last apology video they spent more time apologizing to "the fans", almost zero time spent on recognizing what they did wrong and how their acts are destroying these children and then of course it was not until the last minute or so when they actually said they love their children. They just never seemed to understand what they had done wrong and what they had done to their children because in their head itheyve convinced themselves its what the children wanted. It was a typical abuser and abusee situation that had been reinforced over and over and over by themselves, their children and then the approval by society; their "fans": which really seemed to just be a bunch of adolescent males who are just starting to deal with a massive testosterone boost, are probably abused themselves and (buzz word) are bullies.
I found one of their biggest fans, in fact the kid put together an official fan page/fan group, is a kid named CodyOfFive. Now, i suspect he used this name to leech off their subscribers who would think its Cody. But this poor kid, even to this day does not see anything wrong with what was going on. He even did this interview where... oh man it was just sad... we all knew this kid in school and sadly he had been rewarded for reinforcing this behavior through monetized youtube videos and Mike, who loved the kid for doing what he was doing and gave him his full support.
I think we all hope for the best with Cody and Emma who are now with their natural mother, this said though, why did Mike have full custody of them? This raises red flags for me as well.... we live in a country that does everything it can to keep children with their mothers over fathers. Courts are very biased in this regard and for a mother to lose full time custody of a child, suggests that something really bad had happened while previously in her custody, she has a serious criminal record, serious mental disorder, etc. I know it was said that she was bipolar but there has to be a string of incidents or one or two major incidents for her to lose custody.
All that said these kids are in for a bad time in their lives. Theyre all going to have massive relationship issues, probably all have drug abuse problems. Cody and Emma with the way they were treated is a text book case for "how to create a heroin user". Its just sooooo bad with this fucked up situation and i think if i had five minutes along with Mike, id probably end up beating him to death.
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