I woke up at about 11am this morning. I felt like I should've woken up earlier but I was stuck in the dream world. When I say stuck, I mean my brain was saying to my body "No, I must finish this dream. You're not going anywhere." Anyway, I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, because I actually died in my dream last night. I had a feeling theif you die in your dreams, you die in real life isn't true, but I had never died in my dreams before, so it was pretty scary. I'll now tell you about the dream.
It begins in the house I lived in as a kid with my mother, my sister and two friends of mine, but we're the same age we are now (I moved out of that house when I was 14, and these friends I had never met when I lived there). Anyway, my mother made some PB&J sandwiches as a snack for the five of us and told us we were going to some wildlife sanctuary, much to the disappointment of me and my friends. So we went off, my mother in the front seat, my sister in the passenger seat and my friends with me in the back seats. We were driving, stopped at McDonald's for lunch and ate in. After about half an hour, we hit the road again.
About an hour before the end of the dream, our car broke down not too far from the wildlife sanctuary. With no one willing to accept us hitchhiking the rest of the trip, we had to walk there. I could see a huge sign through a field that said 'Wildlife Sanctuary' on it, and I suggested we should walk straight there because it'll be faster. Begrudgingly, everyone else agreed. We walked through and halfway we saw something familiar: four Daytona USA machines hooked up to each other and working, powered on, out in the middle of nowhere. So me, my sister and two friends all jumped on and played about 30 minutes of the game.
As we were about to leave, all five of us, including my mother were bitten by some kind of rabid animal that looked like a cross between a wolf and those Rabbid things from the Rayman Raving Rabbids games. My friend Justin was the first one to get bitten, a large bite on the shoulder blade that took out a chunk of skin. My other friend Peter was next, who was bitten so hard in the knee that there was no skin remaining, just muscle. My sister was third, and she got a bite on her left cheek. My mother was not actually bitten, but she received a deep laceration across the collarbone from the Rab-wolf's claws. I was last, and I got a tiny little nibble on my left wrist, probably the same size as a fingernail (including the pink bit).
I'm not sure what happened because we fled and it faded to black. The next thing I remember, just after five minutes before I woke up in real life, I was in my bedroom and I woke up in the dream. I thought the whole wildlife sanctuary thing was a dream itself (a dream within a dream), so it was not until I saw my friends Peter and Justin that I remembered about it. Astonishingly, Justin's shoulders were healed and Peter's knee was back to normal. I was convinced that it was a dream. My sister woke up at the same time and her cheeks were normal too. So I went to check on my mother, and she had no scars or anything.
Just then, my left wrist started to pulsate. I had a look at it, and the bite mark was still there and it had turned a pale, dark green, similar to the colour of mucus. Some form of infection quickly spread over my body. First over my left arm, then down my right leg. It didn't cover my arm or leg completely. It was a couple of thin strips over the skin. About half of my skin was still visible over the infection. But whatever it touched quickly became rock solid, freezing my left arm on a right angle and my right leg in a vertical position.
The infection then took a hold of my torso. This time, it covered the entire section and breathing became difficult. I collapsed to my knees, breaking my right leg on the way down (a suspected ACL, because most of the pain came from the kneecap). The torso infection spread over my collarbone and hanging tightly on either sides of my neck. Not knowing what to do, I tried to move, to fight the infection, but this wasn't the right thing to do. My bones couldn't sustain the pressure and my collarbone snapped, puncturing a lung, as well as the spinal cord, cutting off my blood and air circulations. I slumped to the floor like a rag doll, hitting my head on the hard tiled floor which killed me instantly. It then flashed to my tombstone and slowly faded to black, until it was completely black and I woke up in real life.
Has anyone here ever died in a dream? I'd like to hear about it.
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