[QUOTE="AussieePet"]i had dreams of me falling off buildings and right before i land i wake up lol soulless4nowI've had those dreams too. Are you afraid of heights ?
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[QUOTE="AussieePet"]i had dreams of me falling off buildings and right before i land i wake up lol soulless4nowI've had those dreams too. Are you afraid of heights ?
[QUOTE="AussieePet"]i had dreams of me falling off buildings and right before i land i wake up lol MrGeezerHave you ever had dreams where you die...but instead of waking up after dying, you simply "wake up" in a different dream? I've also had dreams where I "died", even to the point where my body got mutilated and ripped to shreds. And yet, the dream kept going. It was like, my body died but my consciuousness didn't. So at one point I was dying and then I was dead. And then I immediately transitioned into being a different character in the exact same dream, with the exact same mind. Only now...instead of that dead body being mine, it's the dead body of someone else. And like...I hate the normal deaths. Like, a few times I've dreamed that I was dying. But it wasn't like "chased by a monster" type dying, the type of thing where you instantly wake up and think "thank god, that was only a dream". Instead, it's more like "my lungs are collapsing and I can't breathe". In the dream, I'm dying. The cause varies: it might be cancer or a blow to the chest. The point is, the dream consists of me lying on my back struggling to breathe, while other people look down at me. Some people pray, some people say that they hope I burn in hell, but overall it's just curiosity. Regardless of what they say, I just get the feeling that they're really fascinated at watching me die. Anyway, I'm dying and I can't breathe. And eventually my sight goes out, I stop being able to form coherent thoughts, and then I die. What I hate about those dreams is that when I wake up, it's at first hard to tell whether or not I'm dead. I mean, the nightmare was me lying on my back in darkness. When I awake, i'm lying on my back in darkness. So there's very real moment where I literally wonder if I'm actually dead. You know what I also hate? Dreams where my teeth are loose and about to fall out.That actually happened for a while. It was just dreams in which I was lying in bed, and my teeth felt loose. And I'd be tounging my teeth so hard that all of my teeth fall out. The problem is that the setting matched reality PERFECTLY. In reality, I'm just lying in my bed. And in the dream, I'm just lying in my bed. The ONLY difference is that in the dream, all of my teeth are falling out. But here's the worse thing...I've had those dreams often enough to realize that they're dreams. And usually, once I recognize that I'm in a dream, that's when I wake up. Not here. Once I started to learn that "teeth falling out" means that "I'm just dreaming", I started waking up once I recognized that my teeth were falling out. Theproblem is that I somehow ended up combining that with the "dream within a dream" thing. So at first it was like, "wow...my teeth are falling out. This must be a dream." And then recognizing that I wa in a dream broke the illusion, so I'd wake up and check my teeth only to confirm that yes, my teeth ARE falling out. I've so far gottn up to four levels of this ****. Four dreams-within-dreams of me just lying in bed with my teeth falling out. And every time i caught onto the fact that it was a dream, more layers eventually got added to the dream (since each layer is exactly the same). Remember those eggs that you open up, and inside is just another smaller egg? Well, it's like that. Except with dreams. I had dreams like that as well lol when you have 2 different dreams but not the tooth missing part that sounds crazy D: lol
I enjoy dreams filled with death. Not because I'm dark, but because it's so exciting. In the morning I feel satisfied, as if I've just watched a good movie
I enjoy dreams filled with death. Not because I'm dark, but because it's so exciting. In the morning I feel satisfied, as if I've just watched a good movie
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