I agree with pianist we should explore the root of this psychopath instead of point the finger and say this person is evil. But there are few expections like people who kill because they want money and other stuff like thatnintendo_fan675
They aren't really exceptions. Most murders are senseless wastes of life that occurred over trivial things like money, peer pressure, or an inability to control sexual urges. Murderers rationalize their behavior. No person - no matter how good or evil they really are by societal standards - will do something that they believe to be morally repugnant. I could never commit murder. Even if presented with a perfect opportunity to murder someone I hate with no consequences (or even a bonus attached, like payment), I could not bring myself to do it. Why? Because it's morally repugnant to me.
People who do commit first-degree murder have not, for whatever reason, been psychologically moulded to believe murder is unjustifiable. If a person says "murder is not wrong if I stand to gain something by it and will not be caught," that is a sociopathic belief which SHOULD be immediately addressed, because if presented with such an opportunity, that person would likely commit murder.
Criminals are just humans who have not developed a moral code that is necessary to live in a structured society. I believe some people are pre-disposed towards violence, dishonesty, or so forth, but I do not believe any of these people can not become decent citizens if the problem is addressed properly at the right age. Sadly, the longer a person lives with a deviant moral code, the more difficult it is to correct the behavior and beliefs. There are adult criminals in our prisons who are more or less beyond treatment. Our goal should be to prevent people from reaching that stage, because the pro-death penalty crowd is right about one thing - it's an awful waste of society's resources to keep dysfunctional people alive. They can't be trusted to interact morally in the general population, and they generally make poor workers, because they are being forced to work, as opposed to pursuing it for a sense of satisfaction. In short, they will contribute very little to our society.
But does that justify taking their lives? I don't think so. People don't like to think of murderers as victims, and the fanatical pro-death penalty crowd typically views them as wastes of flesh. Reading the news will do that to you - I can't count the number of times I have been sickened to learn what humans are capable of doing to other sentient beings. But there's a difference with me - I'm not so narrow-minded as to believe that a murderer is simply an evil person. A murderer is a misguided person. He or she is a product of his or her environment and psychological conditioning, and if we continue to fail to address the societal circumstances that lead to murder, we will never rid our society of it.
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