[QUOTE="SAURON221"]You fail to see what I was saying. I was stating that the death penalty in my eyes is not a deterrent, but simply a punishment. I support research into why these crimes are committedand how to prevent them, but I still support the death penalty. An yesm, I do feel better when someone who has done such a horrific act as raping and murdering a 9 year old girl gets the death penalty. As much as I wish that crime did not occur, im happy to see that punishment is carried out on the on who committed it.
You support research into crime prevention in the same way that George Bush supports environmental protection. You say 'it's a good idea' but are unwilling to do what's necessary to make it a reality.
It's a well-published fact that the death penalty is more expensive than life imprisonment on account of legal expenses. Thus I submit that we should abolish the death penalty, keep these scummy people alive, and sink all the money that we waste on legal expenses for death row inmates into crime prevention research, starting with obligatory parenthood classes for all new parents. You can usually tell from a young age which kids are turning into good citizens and which ones are turning into sociopaths. The problem is that the parents do nothing at all to address sociopathic behavior (in fact, certain especially awful parents even condone it), often because they don't have the parenting skills to address the problem themselves, nor the financial resources to seek professional solutions.
Why the hell do we let this obvious problem continue? We are BREEDING criminals, right under our noses, and doing nothing at all to prevent it from happening. Idiocy... plain and simple.
I agree with you one research but not with abolishing the death penalty. We will have to find the money some where else.
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