[QUOTE="mindstorm"][QUOTE="Astrapsody"] I used to be a Christian, then I started doing what Christians don't want you to do, think. Here are a bunch of questions/ideas that keep me from believeing this religion.
- God is supposed to know what your going to do and think before you even do it (or think it). If this is so, why did he create Adam knowing he would disobey him by eating from the tree of knowledge (or whatever it was called)? And why did he even put the tree there in the first place?
- Why aren't angles perfect? Lucifer used to be the best angel and he was somehow tempted to think,"I want to be like God", and he was thrown into hell (although there is supposed to be no temptation in heaven. This is also supposed to be how the dinosaursw got here. God let Lucifer take over and Lucifer created dinosaurs, when God got back from his vacation in Hawaii, he didn't like the whole dinosaur thing so he turned the Earth upside down.
- God flooded the whole world. Noah took two of every single species of animal in the Earth (they had heard he had a good buffet on the ark) and stuffed them in the ark with his family. So after all the children and innocent people died, God gave Noah a rainbow and told him,"I'm not doing that again, it wasn't a very good idea in the first place." (I'm obviously making fun of the story, but you know how it goes) After that, Noah gets to repopulate planet Earth.
- Moses goes to free the slaves and God puts a plague on the Paroah and his people. The tenth plague is that every first-born Egyptian child dies. Wow, don't punish the actual people, punish their children.
- This is just a fun thingy: God created the Earth before he created light. So he created the Earth in the dark (and he didn't do a bad job).
- Everyone who doesn't believe in what Christians believe or anyone who isn't saved will burn in hell forever. We are supposedly created in his image, all of us, so if he makes us knowing where we are going to eventually end up then...
- The only reason people are the religion they are is because they were born into a family that believed in a certain belief or because they were born in an area that did. So we are, by accident (chance) Christian, Hindu, Muslim, etc.
Feel free to post your thoughts. I respect everybody's opinions.
First of all, Christians are supposed to think. Does not Mark 12:30 say, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength'"?
Why did God let Adam sin? Maybe because that is what God wanted to happen... Maybe God wants us to choose him as opposed to having mechanical followers. Maybe Adam sinned because God alone is perfect. If Adam did not sin then he would be perfect, thus Adam himself would be God.
Angels were not perfect, God alone is perfect. Anything not perfect has the tendency to fail... btw, God alone is the Creator. Satan is a creation unable to create out of nothing.
Yes, God flooded the earth. Where is the debate? Believe it or not.
God did indeed kill the children of Egypt. In fact, nothing bad happens outside of God's ultimate plan. All things work together for those who love the Lord. Btw, because these children were just that, children, God would not have judged them unfairly in the end.
God created light on the first day...
God is a loving God but before that he is a holy God. Because of that, unholy people cannot enter into his presence. The only way to enter his presence is with his forgiveness through Jesus Christ. God is loving because he provided a way despite our shortcomings.
Not everyone a specific religion because of their parents........
Yes, that's the typical response in the end. "God just wanted it to happen that way". I really don't think he wanted Adam to do that since he specifically told Adam NOT to do that. Because Adam allowed sin into the world he had to send his only son to die on a cross.
I didn't say everyone did I, but it is by complete chance that you are a certain religion.
If God flooded the whole Earth there should be layers of sedimentary rock found in all areas of the Earth, there are not.
You seem to have a rather low opinion of God. Nothing happens outside the will of an all-powerful God. You say others answer in just the same way, maybe that's what the Bible has to say about itself...
God sent his Son to die on the cross so that he would be glorified through giving love and keeping his promice to Abraham. God's grace, mercy, and glory is shown most in hard times, not when everything is perfect.
There are layers of rock... Evolutionists claim it's from years of sediment layering over millions of years... Maybe it happened during the flood...
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