So during the Democrat National Convention an amendment was made to the party platform recognizing that belief in God is a central to the American story and and informs the values in the Democrat Platform and recognizing (in accordance with Obama's belief) that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.
The matter was determined by a voice-vote where the amendment had to pass with a 2-3 majority (how does one ascertain that from a voice vote?).
In regards to the video that I linked to showing this process, I believe that it's title is inaccurate, the video-poster believe that the boos of the crowd once the amendment was adopted were directed at the part recognizing belief in God, I think the boos were probably directed at the part recognizing Jerusalem as the Israeli capital. The video shows some of the people booing holding signs indicating them as Arab-American.
Also it should be mentioned that this recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel does not contradict Obama's remarks about the 1967 lines: East Jerusalem is beyond the 1967 lines but the DNC platform amendment makes no mention of the status of East Jerusalem. Also Obama's remarks were not that Israel and Palestine should go back to the 1967 lines, his remarks were that they should use those lines with land swaps (i.e. If Israel wants to take 20 miles of land outside the lines they have to give Palestine 20 miles of land within the lines).
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