Being a George A. Romaro fan, I was excited to check out his latest zombie flick. But this one was very dissapointing. I think it's mainly because of the illogical dialouge/actions of the characters that ruin the movie.
[spoiler] I don't know about anyone else, but when the group is in the hospital and the guy wastes two shots in the zombie's torso, has to wait for his friend to tell him to shoot the zombie in the head, before actually killing the zombie with the headshot...that was just the stupidest thing ever.
At the beginning of the movie, they were making a monster film. So it makes sense that they would have seen a zombie film of some sort. Zombie = Headshot. That's common sense. Ugh!!
And the retarded guy filming everything was dumb. I understand that this tied into the message Romaro was trying to make, but he didn't pull it off well at all.
Nobody was even likeable! The cameraguy was a douchebag. Because of either poor acting and/or dialouge his girlfriend whined too much and later turned molded herself into as much as a douchebag as her boyfriend. i think the only semi-likeable character was the drunk british dude and maybe the zombies cause you wanted the main characters to shut the hell up and just die already [/spoiler]
about the first part I always wondered if in GR universe (zombie movies), movies about zombies exist. Like in the movie True Lies does the movie The Terminator exist?
I just saw a part of the film with this girl narrating over it saying she added sound to the video to try and scare you.And i thought it was extremely lame.
Im some what of a fan of zombie survival horror but i think ill pass.Romero's losing it.
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