Wooot Wooot got FIRST SHOW Ticket for Captain America 3D, going in an Hour. Will update impressions later on.
Well? :)
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I thought it was great. The franchise is starting to see diminishing returns imho, definitely not financially, but it's still awesome, and worlds ahead of the DC movies.
One thing I like about Captain America movies is because they seem more grounded on real-world atmosphere, Civil War is like watching a "Bourne Supremacy" sequel except with flying people in capes.
The big match off within the two teams could be better though, everything happening too fast and...well, its not as dramatic to be honest, its more ...like a fun match. You don't get or feel moments like "OMG OMG BLACK PANTHER ALMOST KILLED CAPT!" Its nice and pretty awesome at times, its even funny too but you know no one's gonna die or even get seriously hurt. Even when Rodey went down, it was totally unintentional. It was a bit disappointing, tbh. It should have been a much more serious and grim fight.
So yeah, very good movie. I just felt that it could be stellar though.
@indzman: Just watched it today as well. I agree that Spider-Man, Ant-Man and Black Panther were the main attractions, though the first two had limited screen time which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I also thought that the whole conflict would be done by the end of the movie in preparation for the next Avengers but Civil War left the team in disarray which sets the ground for the future films. Overall I really enjoyed it though I wasn't really impressed.
Pretty fun, one too many characters. That Black Panther guy probably should have gotten a pre-movie.
@indzman: Just watched it today as well. I agree that Spider-Man, Ant-Man and Black Panther were the main attractions, though the first two had limited screen time which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I also thought that the whole conflict would be done by the end of the movie in preparation for the next Avengers but Civil War left the team in disarray which sets the ground for the future films. Overall I really enjoyed it though I wasn't really impressed.
Hottie Aunt May :P
Fantastic movie. Really enjoyed the humor and action. The storyline blew Superman V Batman out of the water.
I really enjoyed it. Great seeing so many heroes together on the one screen like a comic or cartoon.
Me and my baby mama really did enjoy it together and we say it's the freaking best superhero movie we seen this year and it made BvS look like a joke but I still like it, just wish the pacing wasn't all over the place though. Black Panther was amazing guy, he was like the opposite of Catwoman when both are in black suits, claws as weapons, and doing all that leaping when jumping and Black Panther kept it real. Seeing all the superheros fighting each other is what made this movie badass, I wish it was called Avengers: Civil War which this movie was, it's hardly called, Captain American in my opinion. Now then Let's talk about the web head guy AKA Spider-Man and stuff so if you haven't seen the movie just yet, this next section will be mark as spoilers as I go to more details as what went down. Spoilers coming at ya:
Spider-Man in my opinion was way too young but the jokes are there, he fights really good but he was just too young to be the newest Spider-Man/Peter Parker, his aunt May was also very young, even Tony Stark wanna hit dat old gal, I just think Marvel could've find at least slightly older Aunt May and Peter Parker/Spider-Man but hey, Spidy did well and hold his own ground for the most parts. It was great to see Ant-Man in it as well, he almost mess up Iron-Man suit which was funny and him being small gives him a great advantage, it's why he's my favorite guy since I love Ant-Man movie, it would have been sooo much cooler if he had use his army of Ants to the fight at least, bring in ants to Iron-Man's suit for some good distractions and laughs if that was to happen. Love Falcon, he can fly well then Iron-Man and War-Machine, Vision was alright, Bucky was awesome, love his metal arm and the X-Men Mutant girl was amazing.
I give Captain American: Civil War a 9/10 with a Badass Seal of Approval.
The Marvel movie has NOW got me hype for X-Men: Apocalypses and it's coming out this month!!!
I feel Spiderman was just thrown in for promotional reasons. No need for him to be in the movie. When the movie focused on the main characters (Iron Man, Cap, and Winter Soldier and to a lesser extent Black Panther) it was great.
Kinda disliked the shaky cam in some of the fights though.
Side note. When Tony got his suit AI thing to analyze Cap's fighting patterns and counter them. That's kind of the thing I was expecting Ultron to be able to do. Still very disappointed about that movie.
Me and my baby mama really did enjoy it together and we say it's the freaking best superhero movie we seen this year and it made BvS look like a joke but I still like it, just wish the pacing wasn't all over the place though. Black Panther was amazing guy, he was like the opposite of Catwoman when both are in black suits, claws as weapons, and doing all that leaping when jumping and Black Panther kept it real. Seeing all the superheros fighting each other is what made this movie badass, I wish it was called Avengers: Civil War which this movie was, it's hardly called, Captain American in my opinion. Now then Let's talk about the web head guy AKA Spider-Man and stuff so if you haven't seen the movie just yet, this next section will be mark as spoilers as I go to more details as what went down. Spoilers coming at ya:
Spider-Man in my opinion was way too young but the jokes are there, he fights really good but he was just too young to be the newest Spider-Man/Peter Parker, his aunt May was also very young, even Tony Stark wanna hit dat old gal, I just think Marvel could've find at least slightly older Aunt May and Peter Parker/Spider-Man but hey, Spidy did well and hold his own ground for the most parts. It was great to see Ant-Man in it as well, he almost mess up Iron-Man suit which was funny and him being small gives him a great advantage, it's why he's my favorite guy since I love Ant-Man movie, it would have been sooo much cooler if he had use his army of Ants to the fight at least, bring in ants to Iron-Man's suit for some good distractions and laughs if that was to happen. Love Falcon, he can fly well then Iron-Man and War-Machine, Vision was alright, Bucky was awesome, love his metal arm and the X-Men Mutant girl was amazing.
I give Captain American: Civil War a 9/10 with a Badass Seal of Approval.
The Marvel movie has NOW got me hype for X-Men: Apocalypses and it's coming out this month!!!
In the comics he was 15/16 when he became Spider-Man. He had a few years of high school left.
Regarding the movie, It was oddly paced, and that hurt it overall. At 2 1/2 hours it's a long movie, but it felt longer.
T'Challa and the new Spidey are great additions to the MCU. Paul Rudd did his job as solid comic relief, Sharon Carter is a hottie, and it was nice that War Machine finally had something worthwhile to do.
Was it the best MCU movie yet? I think Cap 2 and GOTG are still tops. But there is no denying Cap movies have the best Track Record.
Marvel Universe is starting to stall. The first hour was boring. Had a couple funny lines....some decent action. It was okay but not great. Highly over rated ratings.
Don't like the new Spider-kid at all. Annoying.
It was fucking fantastic
Parker was great, the kid knocked it out of the park
Panther was great
Airport was pure joyful perfection
Fantastic movie. Really enjoyed the humor and action. The storyline blew Superman V Batman out of the water.
Yep, it sure did, Batman v Superman isn't even close.
Movie was pretty damn amazing. Definite contender for best MCU film to date.
Yep, agreed with this.
Marvel Universe is start to stall. The first hour was boring. Had a couple funny lines....some decent action. It was okay but not great. Highly over rated ratings.
Don't like the new Spider-kid at all. Annoying.
Funny enough I liked the 1st hour, kept me hooked for what would happen next.
It was fucking fantastic
Parker was great, the kid knocked it out of the park
Panther was great
Airport was pure joyful perfection
So you guys like the destruction and not the story? As for Parker....I found him more annoying than wise cracking like Spidey's supposed to be.
@LJS9502_basic: story stuff was tops. Black panthers role and arc was pretty good. The conflict had real emotinal stakes. They did a pretty great job at striking a good balance with all the people. It was a well paced story that worked well.
@LJS9502_basic: story stuff was tops. Black panthers role and arc was pretty good. The conflict had real emotinal stakes. They did a pretty great job at striking a good balance with all the people. It was a well paced story that worked well.
Not really. Logic was majorly missing in the story.. No need for the long contrived plot to achieve the outcome. Take the info and sent it straight to Iron Man. No need to kill innocent people or play the game hoping things aligned as wished. Sloppy story telling. Of course then they couldn't add Black Panther or the kid Spidey. Insults intelligence to follow that story. Sure the action was good....just the underlying reasoning was poor and I don't like that.
@LJS9502_basic: Did the villain know about the info from the tape before getting to the base though?
Because the evidence came from the base, and he spent the movie looking for the base.
And even if he did, would that info even have been enough for him to achieve his goals without all the other stuff.
But ignoring the villians plan that for the time being, the actual conflict between cap and iron man was well done to me. Something that built well from the movies that came before. Say that the stimulus for what occurs is convoluted and nonsensical from a planning standpoint, the actual response from the avengers and stuff makes sense. It works because we know these people and it's believable that given what happens that they would precede in that manner
@LJS9502_basic: Did the villain know about the info from the tape before getting to the base though?
Because the evidence came from the base, and he spent the movie looking for the base.
And even if he did, would that info even have been enough for him to achieve his goals without all the other stuff.
Yeah. He wanted that effect to occur. Like I said.....story has plot holes all over it. Action was good....if a been there done that at this point in the movie series.....and RDJ is always entertaining and Evans did fine as CA. But the actual story was weak.
@LJS9502_basic: Did the villain know about the info from the tape before getting to the base though?
Because the evidence came from the base, and he spent the movie looking for the base.
And even if he did, would that info even have been enough for him to achieve his goals without all the other stuff.
Yeah. He wanted that effect to occur. Like I said.....story has plot holes all over it. Action was good....if a been there done that at this point in the movie series.....and RDJ is always entertaining and Evans did fine as CA. But the actual story was weak.
You know what actually bugs me? *Spoilers* The whole movie, everyone was like "Cap, we need to keep Bucky in check, he's dangerous". Cap is like "no he's my friend". Then at the end, Bucky freezes himself willingly. That part made no sense to me.
@lonewolf604: They were going to kill Bucky.
At that point they weren't actually pursuing him anymore.
@lonewolf604: They were going to kill Bucky.
At that point they weren't actually pursuing him anymore.
I think that you are referring to the part when Black Panther stops him from escaping, and Tony Stark is talking with Steve Rogers about locking Bucky Barnes away. They are about to agree then Steve Rogers learns that Wanda Maximoff is being held against her will.
In my view, the progression of events makes sense to me because Bucky has control over himself until Baron Zemo activates his Winter Soldier brainwashing pattern. I think that after he regains control over himself, he sees himself as a danger to everyone and only remains with Captain America and Sam Wilson to stop what he thinks is Zemo's plot. The final battle against Iron Man is the result of a shell game against the Avengers by Zemo, and may affirm Bucky's view that he is a greater threat to people than his friendship to Captain America should put people in jeopardy. As a result, he chooses to remove himself as a potential threat by undergoing suspended animation. At the same time, he is assured of his personal safety as well as that of his allies by the strength of the Wakandan nation.
I enjoyed very much but for some reason I still find Winter Soldier the best Captain America for me. However this is better than Ultron and the airport scene might have edge out the New York scene. Looking forward for the Black Panther and Dr Strange films and I hope Marvel have more control and decision over Columbia/Sony Pictures on the next Spider-Man. I long to see a real Venom on screen!
As for the X-Men franchise, man I wish Marvel get it back or have more control than Fox. The 80s setting is cool but now we can't have the same X-Men characters fighting along side or fighting with any Avengers in the present setting. The only one that could fit in with the present Avengers is Old Man Logan, Wolverine. I wanna see Hulk vs Wolverine play out on film!
@lonewolf604: They were going to kill Bucky.
At that point they weren't actually pursuing him anymore.
I think that you are referring to the part when Black Panther stops him from escaping, and Tony Stark is talking with Steve Rogers about locking Bucky Barnes away. They are about to agree then Steve Rogers learns that Wanda Maximoff is being held against her will.
In my view, the progression of events makes sense to me because Bucky has control over himself until Baron Zemo activates his Winter Soldier brainwashing pattern. I think that after he regains control over himself, he sees himself as a danger to everyone and only remains with Captain America and Sam Wilson to stop what he thinks is Zemo's plot. The final battle against Iron Man is the result of a shell game against the Avengers by Zemo, and may affirm Bucky's view that he is a greater threat to people than his friendship to Captain America should put people in jeopardy. As a result, he chooses to remove himself as a potential threat by undergoing suspended animation. At the same time, he is assured of his personal safety as well as that of his allies by the strength of the Wakandan nation.
Was talking about the end. The progression makes no sense. All Zemo had to do was alert Tony. None of this breaking Bucky out etc. The script was illogical for the sake of padding the movie.
Thought the movie was ok if predictable. The formula is getting stale but the action is still worthy. Liked the Black Panther's casting and conviction but didn't really like his role in the movie.
Would have been nice to see Thor or Hulk but characters like that shift the balance of power too much in team brawl movies. Vision was very well played. I didn't have a real favorite part though.
Not in my top 5 marvel movies. Still going with Blade 1+2, Captain America: First Avenger, Avengers, and Avengers Age of Ultron.
Thought the movie was ok if predictable. The formula is getting stale but the action is still worthy.
This is the problem with the movie. The first hour was very boring. The action was good but overall just a summer popcorn movie that we've all seen before. And I know I'm in the minority but I'm not impressed with the new spider-man.
@LJS9502_basic: He does not break Bucky Barnes out, but rather Bucky Barnes forces his way from his imprisonment during that mind control activation sequence. Furthermore, it is not only Bucky Barnes that he is after, but the implosion of the Avengers' trust among each other. The whole film is the splitting and defeat of the Avengers through trust issues combining with combat potential. I do not think that Zemo telling Stark that Barnes kills his parents would be as effective as being shown the footage with him right next to him, and learning that a pillar of team morality is hiding that information from him up to that part of their relationship.
@BranKetra: Uh did you watch the movie? You do know he read a specific set of words to Bucky which make him complaint to orders? He broke Bucky out.
@LJS9502_basic: story stuff was tops. Black panthers role and arc was pretty good. The conflict had real emotinal stakes. They did a pretty great job at striking a good balance with all the people. It was a well paced story that worked well.
Not really. Logic was majorly missing in the story.. No need for the long contrived plot to achieve the outcome. Take the info and sent it straight to Iron Man. No need to kill innocent people or play the game hoping things aligned as wished. Sloppy story telling. Of course then they couldn't add Black Panther or the kid Spidey. Insults intelligence to follow that story. Sure the action was good....just the underlying reasoning was poor and I don't like that.
Well, then Iron Man would probably take time to think it over, approach it logically. This way, it was at an emotional rough point, when he's already feeling antagonistic.
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