When people try to say supporters of the war should feel remorse that almost makes me laugh. The vast, vast majority of dead people in Iraq were killed by insurgents either outright or by accident when they were aiming at US troops (a family driving over an IED meant for military forces, for example). We have killed locals accidently too but it doesnt come close to insurgent fatalities.
A lot of people say we were lied to by Bush and there were zero weapons of mass destruction. The problem with that is people like to confuse faulty intelligence with flat out lies. That is the problem with Intel collection; there will always be holes in it and you can check multiple sources and still get something that is faulty. Dont even get me started on the claims we only went there to steal oil.
Not to mention we actually did find some yellowcake in Iraq; the media played that down because it didnt match up their anti-Bush crusade. In case people havent noticed, when Bush was in office troop death tolls were plastered almost everywhere, with the constant reminder of how Soldiers are dying in Bushs war. When Obama took office we were lucky to hear about it over Lindsay Lohan and Kim Kardashians shenanigans.
The source for most of your information about Iraq is the media and the Internet. My source for the information was actually being present for the invasion in 2003 and doing two more tours before we pulled out. When we invaded the locals were literally running up to us cheering, something you wouldnt expect people to be doing during an invasion. People were starving while Saddam Hussein had gold-plated AK-47s in his palaces (no that isnt exclusive to Call of Duty).
In addition to that, I have personally assisted in the building of schools and power plants. I was present for their first elections post-Saddam. I gave out hundreds of dollars worth of toys and candy to local children. Those things arent newsworthy, so other than the elections you dont hear about it. We could have done better over there and things are breaking down with us gone. But it could have been worse.
Yellowcake is not a WMD. It is a substance that can be used to develop one, with proper resources that were unavailable in Iraq, and it can used be with a bomb to incite fear, with minimal further consequence. The discovery and the removal were lead stories on nearly every news outlet at the time the last of it was removed, at which time the information was released to the public.
Furthermore, humanitarian causes, however noble, were not the reason given during the runup to the Iraq War. By some estimates, over half of the world's population live in comparable circumstances. Advocating war as a solution to these problems is neither justifiable, nor effective, as the living standards in both Iraq and Afghanistan have not improved by the median.
The principle issue most have with the runup to the war is that once the administration decided it wanted to go to Iraq, objectivity flew out the door. Countless experts and analysts not only predicted what would happen following the invasion (including Colin Powell, a member of the admin,) while also offering better alternatives. The key leaders within the admin. refused to budge from their ideology, and the war was prosecuted as such. This lead to more problems than solutions, most of which were avoidable or preventable.
While I certainly applaud your service, I would remind you that the view from 30k feet can be radically different than the view from 30 feet. Several US military leaders pointed out the ineptitide noted here, and they too were ignored. Military historians and now retired military high ranking officials are continuosly offering these same criticisms.
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