The moon landings were fake??? You've got to be kidding me. How many people would have to be involved in such a conspiricy? And they've all kept quiet all these years? Not likely.
Similarly: 9/11 was an inside job?? Please. How many people would need to have knowledge of this conspiricy? And they've all kept quiet for 8 years?? Again, not likely. Seriously, give it some thought. Really think it through. 100s of people would have to be complicit. And they all went along with it and have kept quiet about it?
A wise man once said the only way for 3 people to keep a secret is for one of them to kill the other two.Any time someone starts trying to convince you a conspiracy exists, ask yourself: How many people would have to be in on such a conspiricy? If its more than 2 or 3, forget it. I'm not saying there is no such thing as conspiricy, just that the only credible ones can/could be carried out by a very small group of extremely dedicated individuals.
Another example of a conspiricy theory that is bunk: the LAPD framed OJ.
An example of a possible conspiricy: the JFK assasination. I'm not saying I believe all the alternate theories, just that in 1963 it was possible for 2 or 3 very dedicated individuals to conspire to kill the president and frame a patsy.
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