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Maybe if this was like....20 years ago? Gaming is pretty mainstream now, most girls I know game.
Now if you're locking yourself in your bedroom, never taking showers, never going outside and letting yourself go just to game.....then that probably could be considered unattractive.
This is so so true. Almost every girl I know play games of some kind nowadays. So gaming isnt the issue. The Issue is no girl wants to take a back seat to a video game. And quite frankly no girl worth dating should be 2nd place to a game..... Women tend to get ''jealous'' from videogames.
Have any examples of women SAYING this isa turn off? Any female gamers here want to share? If it is a turn-off, please explain why.
Most I've seen think it's childish.
There are some gamers who game in the student lounge. While mingling among the crowd on the way to class, Some girls could barely conceal their sneers. I know there are women who game. But, there are also a lot who don't. Unfortunately, the majority of the hotties are on the latter crowd.
Have any examples of women SAYING this isa turn off? Any female gamers here want to share? If it is a turn-off, please explain why.
Well, it's not the mere fact that you game would be a turn off, after all some women play video games. Angry Birds is fairly popular amongst women, and so is Just Dance, Dance Central, wii sports and such.
However, if you obsess over video games, constantly play them and aren't willing to sacrifice even a little gaming time to spend time together, that is a major turn off.
Every girl I have dated has been fine with my gaming because I never made her doubt whether or not she was the priority.mindstorm
Depends on what you mean by priority. Of course if it's important I'll be there, but if she thinks I'm just gonna drop whatever I'm doing anytime she say so then she's sorely mistaken.
In real life you might see one or two really handsome men, but they'll likely turn out to be abusive and cruel while the majority of males are either skinheads, drunk, doped up, stupid, a beer belly on fat hairy legs or all of that in one go.Smokescreened84
I'm guessing you hate it when males stereotype and generalize females right?
Lol my Girlfriend wasn't 'against' games as such when we started going out, more just not nearly as interested as me. Now she says that if we ever broke up, she said she'd be the one getting the next guy to game.
Just find something you both enjoy as well as you're own interests and it's all cool.
[QUOTE="mindstorm"]Every girl I have dated has been fine with my gaming because I never made her doubt whether or not she was the priority.worlock77
Depends on what you mean by priority. Of course if it's important I'll be there, but if she thinks I'm just gonna drop whatever I'm doing anytime she say so then she's sorely mistaken.
I'm willing to give up gaming completely for whomever I might be dating. They know this too. However, I have been encouraged rather than discouraged from playing by each girl I have dated. As such, video games have never once been a remote issue within my relationships.[QUOTE="worlock77"][QUOTE="mindstorm"]Every girl I have dated has been fine with my gaming because I never made her doubt whether or not she was the priority.mindstorm
Depends on what you mean by priority. Of course if it's important I'll be there, but if she thinks I'm just gonna drop whatever I'm doing anytime she say so then she's sorely mistaken.
I'm willing to give up gaming completely for whomever I might be dating. They know this too. However, I have been encouraged rather than discouraged from playing by each girl I have dated. As such, video games have never once been a remote issue within my relationships.I just cannot understand that mentality at all. You'd give up things you enjoy or alter parts of your personality for someone else? No offense, but the word "doormat" comes to mind here.
I certainly wouldn't bring that up with a women that I really don't know that well whom I'd wish to bone.
I think it annoys them because they feel it's a kid's hobby. Unless if both of you are kids (below 20).So it can be a turn-off, especially in the early stage of a relationship.
if the person disdained video games and thought they were absolutely childish i probably wouldn't like them in return. Simply because it's a fun and cherished hobby of mine.
This is different from simply being uninterested in them or not bothered by it. This doesn't bother me at all.
of the last three relationships i've had, all three game'd in their own capacity, probably the two things we had in common was we all liked Nintendo and we liked JRPG's (me less so but i still like some of them.)
Another example (related to games and women's perceptions) would be my mom, who sometimes chastises me for enjoying games (even though i maintain a social life, do well in college and manage to get part time jobs while doing college) but she will actually sit down and watch me play Assassin's Creed Revelations, Skyward Sword (which i let her play it for a bit before she inevitably got frustrated and bored) or Deus Ex : Human Revolution because she become curious of how the game plays, looks and how the story is conveyed.
She never liked that sort of stuff, but from time to time something in the medium surprises her.
I certainly wouldn't bring that up with a women that I really don't know that well whom I'd wish to bone.
"So, what are your hobbies?"
"I love owning noobs at COD all night long, my K/D ratio is through the roof, wanna see me play?"
*girl walks away*
I certainly wouldn't bring that up with a women that I really don't know that well whom I'd wish to bone.
"So, what are your hobbies?"
"I love owning noobs at COD all night long, my K/D ratio is through the roof, wanna see me play?"
*girl walks away*
that's so true. lol :DI'm willing to give up gaming completely for whomever I might be dating. They know this too. However, I have been encouraged rather than discouraged from playing by each girl I have dated. As such, video games have never once been a remote issue within my relationships.mindstorm
No, no, no, no, no.
Just, no.
Not anymoreThis girl I was dating broke up with me because I played video games.
You know what I say? Screw her.
Every girl I have dated has been fine with my gaming because I never made her doubt whether or not she was the priority.mindstormI tought you are catholic priest...??
I'd pick video-games over any needless headache inducing creature with breasts and curvy posterior.
I do have female friends that enjoy playing or watching others play video games (depends on the game cause "it's like a movie") others just plain are not interested and rather talk about stuff... I don't remember exactly what they talk about cause it's most probably boring and my mind automatically filters them out :D
Besides, gaming is part of who I am, I'm not giving it up for her. It's like I ask her to "stop doing that hobby you like so much". She can't deal with it, she can go find herself someone else.
Women get jealous of video games without a doubt. You just need to balance your gaming hobby with her needs that is all.
If all you do is play video games all day even when she visits you or is with you then I think I wouldn't blame them. A man must know how to balance video games and girlfriend or women in general. Women tend to get ''jealous'' from videogames.
this is most definatly true although the same could be said about a guy that dates a girl and all she does is game and he doesnt....
As a female gamer, what can turn female gamers off is a variety of things. The biggest is making video game females unrealistically "hot" wearing little or no clothes, and be expected to save the world with no clothes on. This is not how the majority of us operate. I would prefer keeping my clothes on if I have to save the world.
In general, it's just how video game developers portay female characters. Lara Croft is a perfect example. Originally, I don't think she was supposed to be a sex symbol, but now she is. It's part of the reason why I don't play the Tomb Raider games. Plus, many female characters leave an impression on horny male gamers that we are objects to be stared at and bombarded with sex requests. It's no wonder why more females don't play online games such as Call of Duty. Even when I play Demon's Souls online I'm always mistaken as a male. I really see this as a form of brainwashing behavior for western world male gamers.
Why not make games that targets everyone (such as Pokemon) and doesn't place an emphasis on one or the other? Even Skyrim is guilty of this, making all the marriageable female NPCs "hot" while all the marriageable male NPCs are "ugly." At least give me the option to marry any Skyrim male I want. I'd totally go after Quaranir then.
kinda missed the point of the topic, eh!? :lol:
As a female gamer I don't mind male gamers...I dislike it when they think that because I'm a gamer I automatically want to play games with them as a couple. I tend to prefer RPG's so have no interest in doing that as a couple...clingy male gamers are a turn off...
deathskitten mean we can never do coop together anymore!!!???? WHAT ABOUT GEARS, HALO AND UNCHARTED? WHAT ABOUT THE GOOD TIMES!!?? :cry:
ok, sorry...i dont know what came over me! [/dramatics]
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