that the U.S government, even before Obama, and the CIA supported the Muslim Brotherhood? If so how do you feel about it?
I do believe that yes they did support the MB and got them to power in Egypt. The U.S/Egypt diplomatic relations continued during the one year the MB were in power. Not to mention how the Obama administration was caught off guard with what happened in 30th of June and kept a low profile towards the violations of Mursi's regime. If it was not for the overwhelming number of people who protested the streets that day, the Obama administration would have still supported Mursi and his regime.
I find it to be quite disgusting and repulsive that a state that claims to support human rights and the rule of law would do such a thing. I'm kind of speechless. Why does the U.S continue to bet on the wrong people in the region? I firmly believe that the U.S does not actually want a stable and prosperous Middle East. It contiues to incite violence and civil unrests throughout the region by supporting such political parties and regimes. They supported the oppressive Mubarak's regime and when that one ran its course, they brought fascists into power.
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