[QUOTE="mindstorm"][QUOTE="black_cat19"]I don't think the world (god's creation) proves anything, humans marvel at the perfection and majesty of nature, but just because it seems to be too great to comprehend does not mean the only plausible explanation would be a Master Creator. I think it's far more logical (and even humble) to say that as humans, with all our limitations, we just fail to fully grasp nature's grandeur. Also, everything we see in this world is just the result of chemistry, that's just how elements combine and react together in an environment based primarily on some elements (such as carbon), that is true of all life, including us, it's just a series of chemical reactions. If the conditions were different and life had adapted to use and base itself on other elements, we would see completely different things, but they would be just as marvelous and we would be just as amazed by them.
I see why one would believe that as there was a time in my life I was some odd mix between deist, evolutionist, and Christian. I, however, feel humble in believing God created the heavens and the earth especially tonight as I went through a Bible study on Isaiah 40. I recommend you read it as it shows the awesomeness of God as he created amongst other things.
Just one passage out of that is 21-23, "Do you not know? Do you not hear? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in; who brings princes to nothing, and makes the rulers of the earth as emptiness."
Take that passage when it says God "who stretches out the heavens like a curtain." I'm sure you realize how incredibly small we are compared to the rest of the universe... how many miles it is to the sun, to the nearest star, to the nearest galexy. To know that God is so incredible that he is able to create and form the universe with such eash is incredibly humbling to myself. I am in awe of my God and creator.
25-26 goes on to say, "To whom then will you compare me, that I should be like him? says the Holy One.Lift up your eyes on high and see: who created these?" To know that God did all of that and without the need of effort is incredible and humbling to myself. I recommend any to read the chapter to look at more that is stated. The fact that it states in verse 29, "He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength." after showing how amazing God is puts me in my place. I am nothing in comparison to God but he loves me regardless.
In regards to what you say about chemistry, I realize the Bible is not an exhaustive science text book but I do believe many things can be gained from what is stated within the Bible. Just an example being that man was created in Genesis by means of the "dust of the earth." Basically man was created using common elements like carbon. This does not contradict what science teaches us.
What you see as "miracles" of nature I see as showing the intelligence of God.
But wouldn't that be admiting that the big bang and all the other different theories on the beginning of the universe and the origin of life on earth are true? I mean, according to you, those scientific theories are half-truths shown to us by Satan, but what he's telling us IS true, he's just taking god out of it, thus making it half-true, so wouldn't that mean that those theories are correct, and everything comes from the big bang, except it was God that set everything in motion?
I do not admit the Big Bang to be true (though I am not saying there is no chance of it being true). I simply mean Satan is the "father of lies" and knows how to trick humanity. He did so in the garden in saying "Did God really say...?" and in the wilderness with Jesus.
I personally hold a young earth view of Creation (about 10,000 year old creation) but I do not deny that I could be wrong. I've changed my views in the past and could do so in the future. I do not claim to know everything (as only God does) and will admit such. Based upon what I've learned from countless scientists (not only articles read but met in person) and what I believe the Bible to state is where I get my view of the age of the earth from.
There seems to be this slider scale with science in one side and an extremely literal view of the Bible in the other. I hold that genres of the Bible determine whether a passage is literal or not and I personally believe Genesis to have a genre with literal tendencies. Many hold a different view than I but that isn't what truly matters. Faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ is what truly matters.
Humanity is fallible and I will question anything that has been taught to me, I just simply believe the evidence points towards Christianity being true. I'm not stating truth to be relative but I do believe finding that truth isn't as simple as listening to a high school science teacher or reading a book by Richard Dawkins.
--Moral to the story: do not let the age of the earth debate stop you from following Christ.
Edit: If there are any responses I'm sorry but I've got to go to bed for the night. I'll respond if need be when I get the chance however. ..or you could just send me a message. Doesn't matter.
Oh, well... I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree, your bible quotes don't tell me absolutely anything, all I'm getting is the usual "God exists because the bible says so and the bible is true because the bible says so". I'm not bashing, you're very rational and you didn't turn this into a flame war, I'm grateful for that, some people here should learn from you... *cough*crushmaster*cough* But since it's clear you will just keep arguing based on the bible and I'll just keep arguing based on my own views and ideas this is going nowhere. :P
I'm sorry I couldn't say something simple that would give you what you were searching for. Do not quit seeking however as those who seek, find as Proverbs 8:17 state, "I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me." I'm not saying the initial step isn't a leap of faith of sorts like that of Simon Peter stepping out of the boat into the water but once you do take that first step, you might be surprised in what you find.
I do appreciate what you said btw. I'll pray you find what you seek.
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