[QUOTE="tzar3"][QUOTE="JLuke360"][QUOTE="tzar3"][QUOTE="JLuke360"][QUOTE="tzar3"][QUOTE="PannicAtack"][QUOTE="tzar3"][QUOTE="MissRiotmaker"][QUOTE="tzar3"] [QUOTE="MissRiotmaker"] Nobody has the right to kill another human being. JLuke360
Oh? Why not?
Regardless of motives, you're still a murderer. Whether you're the criminal, the victim or the government. You kill someone you are a murderer.I suppose so, but in one way not really. Since you are purifying a threat to society or perhaps the world. Ands thats good enough for me.
But can we humans really make that judgement, of who does or doesn't deserve to die?I dont know, but I like that idea, when they strung up Hussien in my opinion, that was a good thing, bastard did all kinds of horrible **** towards people such has gassing the kurds.
But, what does that solve? It's not like he would've had the opportunity to do it again. Why should we cross the same line?
Its solves that Hussein is dead once in for all. I am sure some people wanted him dead anyways. No one wants to live under the reign of a cruel dictator so killing him was a good thing. And his sons weren't better neither.
Was he like, going to escape or something?
Probably not but his own people choose to hung him anyways. Obviously they hated him. And theres nothing wrong with that. Some people prefer criminals locked up, while others dead, its a matter of choice and depending on how serious the crime was.
But it's not a choice for us to make. The right to life is not something we can give or take away. These are unalienable rights, and in a world full of uncertainty, we need to set forth and enforce these as clear lines that cannot be crossed.
And why shouldn't these lines be crossed? Because its wrong? Bah, of course we can take life away, why shoudn't we? We humans rule our world and govern it, not god, if there is a god anyways.
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