[QUOTE="-Sun_Tzu-"] We've already been through this. Regardless if the bible was inspired by God or not, it was still written by man, and it is therefore susceptible to human error. Man is incapable of perfection; only if it were written by God himself would it be rational to look at the bible as infallible.
I know we have been through this before but you mentioned it again. The authors of the New Testament wrote the books of the Bible under th inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Maybe your definition of god precludes the all-powerful Creator of the universe and everything in it from using fallible man to record His Word infallibly under divine inspiration, but that is not the God of the Bible, the one true God. The entire Bible records how God has used fallible man to work His perfect plan, here on earth.
Why would the bible constatly contradict itself then? If you are going to give full authorship of the bible to God, then why would God allow for his word to contradict itself?The Bible does not contradict itself. A valid contradiction exists only when there is no reasonable explanation for an alleged contradiction. I realize that there are athesit web sites that publish lists of alleged contradictions. They have all been answered, If you research the issue you will find the answers to the llegec contradictions. Let me state in advaqnce, if you now choose to visit these sites, and start poting these alleged contradictions, I am not going to take the time to write out long answers for each one. They have all been answered.
In fact, the consistency of the message of Christ in the Bible is evidence of its divine inspiration.
The Bible is composed of 66 separate books, written over approximately 1,600 years, by at least 40 distinct authors, from all walks of life, written in three different languages, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, on three different continents, all in perfect agreement and revealing a consistent message, the path to salvation in Jesus Christ. The Old Testament contains 39 books written from approximately 1500 to 400 BC, and the New Testament contains 27 books written from approximately 40 to 65 AD.
There is no other book that has ever come close to this remarkable achievement and wisdom. Anyone that reads and studies it and cannot see the inspiration and work of God in the Bible just doesn't want to. Try getting 40 people in the same room or on the same internet thread to agree on something and it will be clear that the Bible is God's inspired, inerrant, and preserved Word. Anyone can pick a verse out of the Bible and try to discredit it but when one openly and honestly looks at all of the evidence for the truth of the Bible in its entirety, only one that chooses to remain in rebellion to the Lord will reject it. It has been said, even by secular psychologists, that if one studies the Sermon on the Mount, in the 5th, 6th, and 7th chapters of Matthew, the excellence of the wisdom, guidance, and life lessons of the words and teachings of Jesus in just those verses, surpasses the totality of all advice ever written in the history of man by all psychologists and sociologists that ever lived.Many concede that if all the advice ever written by those experts were condensed down, into one document, the wisdom for living in Jesus' teachings would dwarf them in significance. This is overwhelming evidence for the divine inspiration and truth of the Bible as well as the divinity of Christ.
In the Old Testament
The books of Law reveal the foundation for Christ the Messiah
The historical books reveal the preparation for Christ the Messiah
The poetic books aspire to Christ the Messiah
The books of prophecy reveal the expectation of Christ the Messiah
In the New Testament
The Gospels reveal the historical manifestation of Christ the Messiah
The Acts reveal the propagation of Christ the messiah
The Epistles reveal the interpretation of Christ the Messiah
Revelation reveals the consummation of all things in Christ the Messiah
God has not revealed His entire plan and everything regarding the natural world to man. Man could not possibly comprehend it with our finite mind. He has revealed what He, as our Creator, wants us to know.
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