@ foxhound_fox
1. Ironically, God created the universe from nothing. Also, who created God?
a) I never said that. Universe was created from G-d, not nothing. I also don't believe in the existence of nothing. b) G-d doesn't require a creator since he is not limited by time, among other things.
2. Really? What about extremely technologically advanced extra-terrestrials? They couldn't have created it?
So these ETs are capable of creating our universe,eternal, not limited by time* & not limited by space, + alot of other stuff too. They would fit pretty well in my definition of G-d.
* If they aren't limited by time then a) they would require a creator etc. until chain stops and we find a creator not limited by time or b) the eternity discussion further down.
3. This makes absolutely no sense. The universe could easily be infinite in age, we could be going through one of an infinite number of cycles of expansion/con traction/dissolution.
I actually don't deny this but I'm saying this doesn't make any sense at all in mymind. Im pretty sure you really agree with me. Like if you draw a line even if you draw it for an eternity and it gets infinitely long it'll still have a beginning. If G-d created the universe then he also at the same created time & the phenomen of time would only be within our universe. That would solve this problem.... kinda. I might be wrong but doesn't many scientists belive that time came into existence at the Big Bang?
Also does infinity in practice really exist within our universe?
Also I believe many scientists don't believe the universe will contract cause the universe expand faster than required for it to contract... or something like that. Obviously there are many theories.
And finally for me if you look at the universe everything is the result of something, for example simply, giraffes doesn't have long necks just because they do but because their food was at an high elevation so evolution has given them long necks. Therefore I find it hard to accept that an eternaluniverse would exist just because it does. Giraffes has long necks as a result of evolution. Eternal universe exist as a result of ? Created universe exist as a result of G-d. G-d not being limited by the universe's laws.
4. This definition could be applied to many non-God beings or entities.
Not if you define G-d like I do. Then those beings or entities would be G-d.
A1: Only human conception is limited by time. The universe does not "know" time because it is not human. And in some areas of advanced physics, time doen't exist at all. Being completely relative to its perception.
Of course it knows time since time passes within our universe. For example time passes parallel with the universe's expansion. & yeah time is relative, like if you travel with the speed of light time passes slower compared to slower traveling things, right? But being relative=/=non-existent. And I think scientists doesn't really know what time is in theory but in practice you'll still wake up in the morning and time will have passed and alot of stuff will have happened.
A2: Ah, I see now. You define the universe as non-eternal, and then have a gap that needs filling, and just choose God to fill that timegap. Did you ever think about any of the alternatives? The more logical ones than an invisible deity pulling everything out of nothing?
Like what? The only other alternative is an eternal universe which is even more illogical or at least too incomprehensible for me.
Now, don't think I'm trying to pick on you or anything, I'm just trying to reason out why you believe such things when there actually are other possible explanations... with less fantastical requirements.
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