[QUOTE="mohan88"][QUOTE="AB_Uppercut"][QUOTE="mohan88"]I respect your opinion, but there is no proof God yet....AB_Uppercut
dude the way I see it is that were only human, who are we to judge God, its God that judges us.
Well Science is judgeing on different Galxias, planets etc and sooner or later they will be judge on God.ah yes science :) You know we have free will we can believe in what we want, people have choice and religion does not force you -especially mine- to follow it. I actually believe in all the Holy books that were given to mankind all those thousands of years ago I mean they were actually way too advanced for that time and what these books prophesied actually did come true, its just over time most of these Holy books got tainted by mankind and thats why people get confused when they read them.
In fact there is only one holy book that is still exactly the same as it was first given and you know what, 80% of what that book says is 100% true and the other 20% is in the unknown.
I'm not lieing when I say this but when I was 10 I read in that Holy book that the universe is expanding and then when I was 16 and in school I was learning science and about the universe, and my teacher said that the unverse is expanding. I was like :o
..............  Yeah so what? Notrodomus was the exact same, and he was wrong on the world coming to an end.. The guy that wrote 20 thousand leagues under the sea was right in some plaecs but was wrong in many other places as well.. Â
  NO I REPEAT NO SCRIPTURE that dates as far back as your hinting is pure.. Because in the end you are reading something that has been translated hundreds of times, which regardless if it was not changed purposely would still be different..  This is also doing the stretch that man kind isn't infact bias and would change the meaning to their own bias, which thye most likely indeed have..
  Hell the majority of ALL RELIGIOUS communities can not agree on the true meaning of passages in religious scriptures..
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