nope never ever i will ever. just another of my moral code you know;) no.5
from what i have heard westerners need to drink to survive cold weather.
1) Yeah, alcohol is awesome. I'm drinking rum and coke right now.
2) That's just ridiculous (the thing about the cold weather). It is well-known that alcohol REDUCES body temperature by dilating the blood vessels. This causes heat to escape to the body's extremities. This LOWERS core body temperature, and means that intoxicated people die FASTER in cold weather than sober people. So consider your second claim to be thoroughly wrong. That is, unless you are suggesting that "westerners" are some kinds of freaks whose bodies don't operate the same way that a normal mammalian body is supposed to operate.
Your #2 is correct, although the reason ppl make that claim is because they feel warmer since the blood is going to their extremities. There skin feels hot, so they think they are warm...of course, with all the blood on the outside of your body, you are more susceptible to losing all your body heat. Yea for our senses failing us. *shakes fist at sky*And yeah, I like beer. It's awesome. Wine is good too. Some ppl say they don't like the taste. I believe it is an acquired taste sorta like coffee (which I don't like).
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