Do you ever get bullied or picked on in school? I'm really starting to wonder because the other day this guy I know was picking on this freshman kid who was presumably short, ugly and socially awkward. Anyway, this kid always gets picked on by a number of juniors and sophomore at my high school, and when the guy was picking on him I started chuckling a little bit, only because I couldn't help it. But then I noticed the toll that was being done on the kid, for his face became really red and he looked as if he were about to cry. I immediatelys topped laughing and felt really guilty over what had happened, and began to think what it must be like getting constantly bullied and pushed around like that, for reasons that aren't even your fault (ugliness, social awkwardness).
I would just like to know, do any of you ever get bullied or picked on in school? What's it like if you do? Feel free to let me know here on this thread.
EDIT: Almost forgot, this ad really speaks to me.
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