@thehig1 said:
I wouldn't say Science is a religion, Science is just a method we use study the natural world through observation and experiment.
I wish more people would understand this. Science is the method, not the result. The results are called knowledge. Knowledge means, literally, understanding.
You can bring a new, never-before-theorized element to scientists right now. Once they take a few basic measurements of it, they can tell you how it would react to every known element without having to introduce the two. It takes more than one calculation, but the formula for the calculation is already understood. Most of the values are already understood. If you're solving for π you never have to calculate what π is because it's value is known. You just plug in the rest of the formula (most of which would be known values) and the result is notguesswork.
By using these known values, these known laws known to be true and consistent, much can be figured out about unknown values.
You can't physically view a photon because there is no 'there' there. It has no mass. It has only 2 dimensions (frequency, amplitude). But we can mathematically describe a photon. And the math bears out through experimentation. We know it travels like a wave until observed or is interfered with at which point it briefly behaves as a particle due to the double-slit experiment. From this experiment and others we can infer even more: superposition and the weird probabilistic properties of the quantum world where linear causality becomes meaningless. Each new answer is a rabbit hole; understanding the complex nature of X has led us to a basic understanding of Y.
What makes humans special is our unique ability to pass down information in forms other than genetics. It's a fragile thing reliant on continuity of not just life but education. Global war, disease, or a myriad of other defeats can (and have) set us back centuries or more.
It is knowledge that makes us more than animals. The world around us, society, our ability to progress, relies on two words: Why, How.
Those two words make us human. It is, quite literally, the two single concepts that permit us to be masters of our own existence.
That's fucking beautiful.
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