Columbine Shooting! 4/20/99
If you would skip to 5:11 and some dumb kit pretends that he's dead then makes a run for it from under the table but he grabs his bag:| Dude, in a sitiuation like this **** your bag and just get your ass outta there! Nothing more important, IDK if he had a million dollars in that bag. Your life is more imporatnt!
These guys are sick how they search for survivors and slughter them:evil: These kids even discuss what seconds to count to; to kill theselves. Note: You may not want to watch at 9:20ish because that's when they off themselves...
I go to a school of 2000+ kids so my options are very limited if this ever occured in my school:(
What are your plans if this ever happned? Do you think you would make it out ok?
Oh yeah don't forget to look at 5:11 on the vid;)
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