Why should they get the chair. WHAT WILL KILLING THEM DO ANYTHING?
Just let them rot in kail it's more than enough.
The only way I see it to see a decrese in crime would be like if not the police but some divine being would start a mass crusade against criminals and killed everone one of them, maybe that would decrease it.
well, for one - I'd prefer my tax dollars taken out of my pay check didn't go to buy child/mass murderers food, medical care, and toilet tissue as they sit in prison... but rather, to something a bit more useful...
While I am not pro-cap. Punishment I strongly feel that convicted child rapists, not molesters, should be given the death penalty. I know people will disagree with this, particularly BiancaDK. this because a lot of em could be innocent. back when dna wasnt around now it is many innocent are going free. if you kill that person..
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