This is just really a case of trying to force your lopsided oddball views onto others and then feeling a certain way that is unfair and falsey
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This is just really a case of trying to force your lopsided oddball views onto others and then feeling a certain way that is unfair and falsey
Well then just delete her then. If people post crap I delete them. If they ask me why I unfriended I tell them honestly, I like you as a person but friending you makes inane shit pop on my feed. If they do not get that their loss. Besides are there not options now that address this were you can keep a friend so as to not hurt them but block what shows up on your wall?
Not trying to argue with you, just how I see it.
@always_explicit: why do you let trivial things bother you. Like your art buddy seems fine. The issue is with you my friend. Be stronger
How is expressing a point of view to provoke conversation a representation of my strength? I stated my opinion, gave my reasons and opened it up for debate, that is the purpose of a discussion forum.
Disliking a particular genre of book or music doesnt mean somebody isnt "strong". Its means their preferences differ and they may find certain things more irritating than yourself. I find elements of social media irritating and as a result I dont partake in them, im just discussing them.
Again for some reason because I have strung a few adjectives in my OP the assumption is I am "bothered" or "angry".
Generally I am not angered by things I can avoid. I will discuss and express my opinion on them from time to time however.
@dave123321: @mattykovax: I actually deleted facebook some time ago so there is no need for the solution you mentioned in your post although it is certainly a good one :PI know the tense I used in my OP gave the impression I am still using facebook etc. but I meant I am still being tagged in photo's despite me not actually having an account! Thanks for a positive reply offering an attempted solution though.
If you re-read the OP you will notice I did say there are some beacons of light regarding social media, and gave an example of a site a frequently use.
You will also note that this website is a form of social media and I am a frequent poster on Gamespot and a number of discussion forums. So you should be able to deduce, using a little logic.... I am not "trying to force my lopsided oddball views onto others".
I use social media. I enjoy using certain elements of it. I also hate it in equal measure. I hope you did not find this post to forceful or oddball...
Yeah, I might have different views on the subject but I am 100% with you on the not wanting other people to post pictures and tag me thing.
No, but I hate what it can do to people
I use it in a very limited fashion; my friends list are people who are actually my friends, I never write on walls, status updates are to inform people when I will be in certain areas etc.
I try not to use it as a social platform, like as a substitute for social interaction
I certainly don't hate it and have found it to be simply as good or bad as the user makes it. If you have vapid, uninteresting friends with out of control habits and egos then I suppose, assuming you aren't into that scene, it must be kinda annoying. But if you don't, or perhaps if you just delete the irritating ones, then it can be an easy way to stay apprised of the sometimes amusing, interesting, and sometimes informative events, minutiae, and interests of people of whom you are rather fond.
Pretty much this
I don't hate it. It's not like someone's pointing a gun at my head and forcing me to use it. Social media is nothing more than glorified email to me. The only people I do social media with are real people I already know.
I don't do social media with mere acquaintances or people I've never met. My friend list is relatively small. They're more like family to me, so I can tolerate the trivial stuff they put out.
then what are you doing here .... this gamespot forum is a social media too........
I agree. Even those who hate social media because of the BS are spouting their own BS here.
@jasean79: "As far as personal use goes, I think it's a detriment to our society."
Then why are you using it?
Why, to engage in interesting conversations with intellectuals such as yourself, of course! You can't get this kind of entertainment anywhere else.
I hate it. I think for the most part its a cesspool filled with vapid, self interested, egotistical individuals unable to derive positive attention through their endeavors IRL. Why is it we have reduced our thoughts and feelings to status' and hashtagging rather than concentrating our efforts into actually socializing.
Its almost impossible for me to go on a night out without waking up the next morning with photographs of myself placed on the internet by others, tagged and commented on. I know it might come across old fashioned but this whole process is just beyond comprehension to me. Now I do think certain sites like YouTube are a beacon of light, I have watched many DIY videos on there that have been beyond helpful. I am not ignorant enough to assume social media has NO place in society. I just wondered if there are any OT dwellers that have equal dislike for it or love it?
unlike you i was born in a world without social media, without internet, without cellphones.
but I did had computer games. I'm 35 years old.
Cellphones i do use, but i don't use smartphones (allthough i had one for a a job). I do use the internet extensively.
I don't use social media. People without privacy will go insane in the end..
Avatars are the way to counter it, the moment we get organized, will be the moment that this charade will end.
I hate it. I think for the most part its a cesspool filled with vapid, self interested, egotistical individuals unable to derive positive attention through their endeavors IRL. Why is it we have reduced our thoughts and feelings to status' and hashtagging rather than concentrating our efforts into actually socializing.
Its almost impossible for me to go on a night out without waking up the next morning with photographs of myself placed on the internet by others, tagged and commented on. I know it might come across old fashioned but this whole process is just beyond comprehension to me. Now I do think certain sites like YouTube are a beacon of light, I have watched many DIY videos on there that have been beyond helpful. I am not ignorant enough to assume social media has NO place in society. I just wondered if there are any OT dwellers that have equal dislike for it or love it?
unlike you i was born in a world without social media, without internet, without cellphones.
but I did had computer games. I'm 35 years old.
Cellphones i do use, but i don't use smartphones (allthough i had one for a a job). I do use the internet extensively.
I don't use social media. People without privacy will go insane in the end..
Avatars are the way to counter it, the moment we get organized, will be the moment that this charade will end.
I was also born into a world without social media. I imagine most of us here were. Cell phones perhaps not.
I don't use social media of any kind.
Yes you do. You're posing on an internet forum. That is social media.
Okay...I don't use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, MySpace, etc, etc, etc. I do use Gamespot forums, and this is the only forum on which I post.
# I wouldn't say I hate it. But I do find some aspects of the social media culture stupid or annoying. When I was younger though, I thought MySpace was a bad thing and harmful for society. I use Facebook every once in a while.
One thing I do find kind of dumb/annoying is when people actually say the word "hashtag", like for example "hash tag Toyota", I would just read that as "Toyota".
And I think young people these days are too quick to take pictures and put them on hinstagram or facebook or whatever. It's like the first thing that pops into their peasy little heads. Instead of enjoying the moment with the people you're with, you're worried about posting some picture to the internet and who's gonna "like" the picture or comment or whatever. If someone was choking, or sick with alcohol poisoning and needed help, most kids these days would probably be quicker to the draw pulling out their dang mobile phones to snap a picture of the poor guy than they would be to help him out.
Plus I don't see what's so great about these camera phones. People use these things and take a whole bunch of pictures on their phones, but they don't buy real cameras, so they might have the picture on their phones for a bit, but then when they phone breaks or they get a new one they don't have the picture. At least with a camera, like a cheap throwaway, you can put the picture in an album and look at it and reminisce years and decades later. If you don't feel like going to the store to get the film developed, then use a polaroid.
Most stores like Wal-Mart have services for printing out digital photos. Smart phones also have utilities for offloading photos to other devices such as computers.
We haven't bought a film-using camera since 2001. Yet, our (hardbound) photo albums are as full as ever. Plus, instead of negatives, we store digital photos in multiple devices such as CD, computers, flash drives, etc.
No. Like the internet in general, social media isn't either good or bad it just is. It all depends on how you use it. I got a Twitter account and use it to follow political reporters and sports writers. As for Facebook I use it to stay in contact with all friends. I will deactivated the account from time to time specially around my birthday since I don't like the attention.
I’ve always struggled with keeping social media. Seeing people constantly post stupid things or brag is annoying. But, I’ve never been able to quit because it really does keep me up-to-date on friends’ lives. One thing that has helped immensely has been using an app called KeepUp, which is basically a social media manager. It sifts through your walls/posts and finds things like birthdays/anniversaries/new jobs, etc., so you know what’s going on in your friends’ lives without devoting hours and hours to social media. It allows you to stay active but ignore all the pointless crap some people post. Not sure if this is your thing butI thought I would pass it on!
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