Pretty much everyone I know has a Myspace but me.Do you?
I have one, but it is completely bogus. I just use it to look at band stuff that you have to be a member to be
Yeah but I check on it only occasionally and I never seriously think about it.Just to see if I get messages, that's all.
I don't have one. I don't like the way profiles are on there so try to avoid it. Pretty much, GameSpot is my community resource.
Yeah, it's what most of my friends have, so it's the easiest way to keep in touch with me moving around a lot...
I used to, but I deleted my account. I also have Friendsters and hi5, but I haven't touched either of those in over a year. However, I do update and visit my Facebook everyday.
I have one but don't use it much... mostly only to check for messages and to see if friends have changed their page any.
I sure do! But there are a lot of things that I hate about myspace which is why I dont use it as much.
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