[QUOTE="TombaYuri"][QUOTE="Riotdude30"][QUOTE="RKfromDownunder"]Oh what a load of bullocks, everyone and their mother has a 'personality dissorder' in this era, just more bullcrap about bullcrap.
Everyone is different, and yes, some people are 'different' that doesn't mean that they have a dissorder, Jesus its like a license for people to think they are special in some way. Well your not. Everyone has issues and instabilities and everyone gets depression.
Many of my friends have been analysed with 'add' or personality and social disfunctions, what a LOAD OF crap. Yeah, I'm sure they've got ADD and ADHD when they can pay attention for periods of time magnitudes larger than myself; yeah I'm SURE they've got issues because they're SHY.
Its part of the sissy revolution our world is undergoing. Everyone has to be 'analysed' for any little abnormality, scrutinised for any percieved differences, not BECAUSE they are different, but because we want them to feel SPECIAL, like they are somehow 'different' from the rest of us...
This man right here is indeed my hero. Finally someone to agree with me. Autism is an excuse for being socially awkward and ADD and ADHD is just an excuse for bad parenting. I have been saying this for years, and have came across one real autistic kid. He would slam doors randomly and talk to himself, that right there is legit. Sitting in a corner playing with your own hand or something that my friend is just socially awkward.
I happen to think you are (refering more to first poster) half full of crap (maybe?).
YES, I think that just about every kind of disorder imaginable is being handed out willy-nilly (either parents fault or doctors fault or both). But if you honestly don't believe these conditions do not exist then you are the one quite full of crap. I HAVE ADD to name a few bad effects: I get distracted (a lot), I can be a little hyper sometimes or not think things through clearly. I've come a long ways, 85% of the time on my own. I've only used Adderal five times ever and I hate the stuff. Everyone's mind works differently, many have different parallels that get put in a category that we label a "disorder". Simple as that. What the problem is, is that due to bad parenting, what we eat (has more to do with it than you think, imo) and retarded doctors/psychiatrists people are being taken advantage of and being improperly labeled. And that would be my three cents. (I noticed someone didn't like the regular number associated with that phrase)
I did not say that those cases DO NOT EXIST. I implied that the vast majority of people who 'have' these 'disorders' (yes, I need to quote these things, I'm 'spitting' each of these words onto my keyboard with enough malice and contempt to melt my face off) are ABSOLUTELY FINE.
People just don't know jack didly squat anymore; people don't understand what ADD or ADHD is anymore, or what autism or any of those other mental conditions are. If you've ever sat in the room with a person with true ADHD, it'll take you about 30 seconds before you want to spear tackle them to the ground and start knocking their teeth out, its hard to describe how annoying they are.
Ever met a trully autistic person? Some of them just scream and run away when you try to talk to them. Ever met a trully depressed person? People can become so depressed their body starts SHUTTING DOWN, their organs fail FOR NO REASON. Thats depression, not 'Oh I just went through a period of many bad relationships waaaaah waaaah waaaaah'.
Its a load of horse crap. I just don't want to hear it. I see new disorders being discovered every goddam day of the FREAKING WEEK. "Holy hell Timmy, you actually suck so much at maths is legendary! You must have that numerical-dislexia! Hallelujah! I knew you were a special little boy!".
That makes ME wonder, do I have a disorders as well? I know, I MUST have a disorder, sometimes I get depressed! Sometimes I even go into rages over ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, I MUST have anger management problems! Occasionally I run into childrens' play areas and scream incoherent ramblings at them untill they piddle themselves with fear on the plastic mats and I run away screaming with laughter! Mabye that means I'm insane!
NO! YOUR FRIGGIN WELL NOT. Everyone does random crap, get over it. Unless you actually have a biological disorder that causes your mental health to be threatened, do everyone a favour and either grow a pair or throtle yourselves.
This post was in no way flaming anyone on this board, I am merely expressing the culmination of my collective rages from the past little while. Rant over.
There are set guidelines that must be met in order for a person to qualify for a diagnosis. For example, no one would ever get a diagnosis of depression for the usual period of grief that follows the end of a relationship because a person needs to either have 6 continuous months of a depressive episode (continuous meaning daily or near daily). I think we can both agree that if you're sapped of energy, see no point in life, and have the other symptoms of depression for more than half a year that you're a bit beyond normal grief.
Furthermore disorders aren't just thought up spontaneously and then catch on with psychologists/psychiatrists. Mental health is a science, there are mountains of research behind most diagnoses (there are some controversial ones such as dissociative personality disorder, but ADHD isn't one of them), and diagnoses are not made official until there is enough evidence and consesus in the field to promote their validity.
Now I understand that you're trying to get at is that some disorders are overdiagnosed, and that a lot of people seem to think that eccentrices and mental difficulties are disorders. I'm not going to disagree with that. Some disorders are overdiagnosed (ADHD for example is probably overdiagnosed in white boys, however its believed to also be underdiagnosed in girls and some minority groups). And I certainly agree with you 100% that a lot of people self-diagnosis themselves with a disorder when in reality they don't even come close to meeting diagnosis. That said I would have to disagree with you on the idea that the "vast majority" of people diagnosed with a disorder (assuming you were talking about professional diagnosis and not self-diagnosis) are misdiagnosed.
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