.. i can run the 400m really fast? pnly useful during track season.
I sing well in rock band.
My nearencyclopedic knowlege of That 70's show and LOTR.
My ability to memorize things for long periods of time. e.g. I dont play pokemon anymore and the last time i played pokemon yellow was probly back in 2003 maybe?? anyway, i can tell you how to do almost everything in that game. I made it through the tunnel to the city with the ghost tower without flash, i now have it and the whole game memorized and I can beat it easy. Same goes with any other video game.
My very creative imagination. e.g. A movie with Gorillas geeneictally mutated to be smart as humans, and are sent by Russia to invade America. I can see it now. Commie Gorillias: Guerilla Warfare:lol:
The ability to recognize a song I now instantly, and i mean if i know the song well just a quick second is all i need.
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