[QUOTE="gameguy6700"][QUOTE="brandontwb"]So what's the big deal of getting a virus? They are not slowing my system down as far as I can tell, and I can always reformat my hard drive if it gets bad. I don't see my modem transmitting data whenever I'm not, and to steal a password or something you would probably need to instal a program.
1. Some viruses are backdoor programs. They allow a hacker to piggyback through your PC to do whatever they want. Most commonly this means using your PC/connection as a proxy for whatever illegal deeds they want to do (hacking a bigger target, wiring stolen funds, downloading/uploading kiddie porn, etc). BTW, the only two people who know that it's not you doing that stuff are you and the hacker. The feds are going to come to you first and you better hope that you can convince them that you're the target of a hacker and that it wasn't really you who just uploaded 3200 child porn videos.
2. Yes, to still a password does require that a keylogger be installed on your machine. 9 times out of 10 that keylogger takes the form of a virus.
3. A lot of viruses are used in DDOS attacks. This means a slower connection for you, a ton of devoured bandwidth (could be a big deal depending on which ISP you use), and a headache for the person on the receiving end.
4. Adware is a common type of virus. It doesn't run in the background and instead pummels your screen with hundreds of pop-up ads even when you're not on the internet. Some of these can be very difficult to remove.
5. Most viruses these days are intended to be profitable for the hacker in some way. This means they're either going to be adware or spyware. In the case of spyware it's in the hacker's best interests that you not realize what's going on, so usually those viruses are programmed in such a way that they're light on your system resources. You're only going to find out when all of your bank funds are suddenly missing and you've got 30 maxed out credit cards that you never applied for.
So what is the type of virus that steals bank account info (or other personal info) and what program is the best for protecting against them and scanning for them? Thanks.Like I said, they're called keyloggers. And you just need an antivirus and antispyware program like AVG and MalwareBytes resepectively to protect yourself.
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