@jdiggle said:
@Johnny-n-Roger: As far as the Twitter Exec and Netflix CEO go, their personal donations don't mean that those companies per se are supporting BLM, though it does seem like a lot of corporations and corporate execs tend to through their weight behind liberal/left-wing causes (except when it comes to paying more taxes probably).
As for Black Lives Matter, I do not support the movement, from what you've posted about them some of their beliefs are downright ridiculous, like the claim that "state violence" is perpetrating genocide against black people. I don't see any systematic attempt to wipe out the African-American population, heck the president of the country is black!
Not only does BLM have crazy beliefs, I think the group is disruptive and causes social harm. For example their "activists"/members have blocked roads, disrupted shoppers in malls, engaged in anti-police rhetoric, and harassed white students.
I think BLM and other "social justice warrior" groups exhibit a primacy of feeling over thinking. It seems much of their activism is driven mostly by emotions, not by logic, kind of like all those people "protesting" against Trump.
It was a trivial sum given to McKesson's Mayoral campaign, and despite being a trivial sum, it serves to make a statement. While McKesson's platform actually seems well intentioned for the community, its just fiscally impossible while serving to drive manufacturing out of town and provides no incentive for anyone to invest in the city of Baltimore.
BLM basically frames itself as "The Anti Civil Rights" movement. When I heard they were requesting "segregated living quarters" at USC I was disgusted. It is ironic that we have a black President and that there's still some assumed underlying racial agenda preventing a black man from succeeding on an individual level that necessitates such a movement.
Racists are cowardly and will never reveal themselves, and businesses and universities aren't going to deny a black person an opportunity because the only color they see is green. They want that tax write off.
The problem with the Trump Protesters is that when they're asked what stances or quotations they find to be "racist" they either conjure something wildly unfounded or say "I just feel the hate". Donald Trump is a narcissistic buffoon, not a racist. His superiority complex extends to everyone, regardless of race or sex.
A lot of SJWs think that their "feelings" alone justify the character accusations they project onto others. They literally believe that someone can offend them simply by existing. The failure is that offense can be "taken" but never "given".
This is why they're called "regressive liberals". They've taken liberal ideologies, and as you asserted, have over-thought the principles to constitute an authoritarian application of liberalism. They don't realize the irony that by projecting their unwarranted character accusations on to others that they are actually being the prejudice of all, and that by considering themselves morally superior, they're essentially the self-proclaimed Supremacists that real liberals directly oppose.
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