if they cant take it they can gtfo. im 130lbs. so i feel no sympathy, im busy watching my own back. last show i was at i chipped a tooth and got a concussion....... was such a fun show. dance gavin dance was the band
getting beat up is fun? what has happened to entertainment?
adrenaline is incredible. and at any good show anyone who is knocked down gets helped back up.
ive been to sit down shows. and ive been to throw down shows. the later is way more fun. who the hell just wants to sit around to music.
I quite agree. While I do love the emotions involved with a symphonic level sit down concerts, it's nothing like the adrenaline rush of a mosh pit. I'm a lover of many dances: rumba, tango, east coast swing, salsa, etc. My friend, thinking I would be interested, described moshing to me. At first, the very thought of a moshpit was almost repulsive to me. But he dragged me to a concert and before I knew it, I couldn't help but mosh with the rest of the ccrowd. So much fun!
Didn't feel the pain until the next day:D
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