[QUOTE="GamerForca"] That stuff adds up to a lot more than "one or two games". I mean, you gotta be kidding me, right?GamerForca
No, I'm not. If a person is low income then they're not going to buy more than 5 games a year and they're not going to buy a PS3. They're going to buy a $200 360, or keep their PS2.
I think its absurd that you think that people simply choose not to pay for healthcare coverage when they can afford it. That's like me saying a person is raped because they asked for it. No one wants to be given a bad lot, but sometimes it happens. It's difficult for Republicans to understand, but sometimes people do need government assistance because their situation does not allow them to enjoy the same liberties that people who are fortunate enough to be paid well enough to enjoy (by "paid" I also mean healthcare paid for by insurance."
People who provide infastructure to our country, like plumbers, probably aren't going to have health insurance. Nor are they necessarily going to be able to pay for their own healthcare. Ultimately, people who already have healthcare may end up paying more but thats what happens when you want a society where all can enjoy healthcare. Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the greater good. I'm not sure if Obama's plan is the best idea, but I do believe a little socialism is healthy because it helps out people who cannot otherwise help themselves.
Republicans have this idea that anyone who doesn't get what they want in life are just too lazy to get it. Personally knowing someone on welfare and the struggles she's endured, I know that sometimes situations are not always easy. This said person cannot afford to have necessary surgery done on her ears. She already has abysmal hearing, but because of her situation she will eventually go completely deaf and not be able to enjoy things like music, which I know she enjoys way more than I do.
First of all, you're calling me Republican because that's the cheap way to get everyone to agree with you on here. I suppose I'll be nice and give you credit for not yelling Fox. Second, of course there are a few cases where people couldn't afford it on their own (personally, I donate A LOT of money to the needy, and others need to wake up and help). But not 50 million. I also have my own real-life experiences with people on welfare and without health insurance. Know what they have in their house? A 50 inch high def tv, every game system, games sprawled out all over the floor, a new cell phone with unlimited texting (you know, this **** is NOT a necessity), an Ipod, four-wheelers outside, etc. A lot more **** than I ever had despite my family being able to afford health insurance. This is why both Obama AND McCain's plans were so bad. I don't agree with socialized healthcare (I'll explain in a sec), but McCain's plan was to save people a few thousand bucks to put into insurance, which is simply delusional because many people bereft of healthcare would simply spend it on all the **** they've always spent it on.
Next, I used to live in Europe (born there, in fact), and I laugh at people that think socialized healthcare is simply "up the taxes on people that can afford it, and everyone's dreams will come true." My grandfather needed a lung surgery (this was about 25 years ago) but didn't get it soon enough because he didn't meet the governments requirements which stated he had to quit smoking a certain amount of time before they could give it to him or whatever (I can't remember exactly how it went). By the time he got it, the cancer had spread.. and he eventually died. There are many stories going on right now that are similar (didn't the British government recently let some guy die because he didn't quit drinking soon enough?). So yeah, you'll get your treatment under socialized health care.. if you meet government requirements.. including your age. If you're too old, too bad. Lastly, I'm Libertarian if anything. I agree with the left on most social issues, and I like the government out of the way. So drop the "you're just a Republican/Fox/Bush" argument.. it gets very old very fast.No one on welfare has 50 inch TVs, SUVs, or expensive cell phones. You must live in some ritzy part of town or something. I grew up in Santa Ana, CA and have seen more than my fair share of the down and out. Judging by my experience and the fact that I don't have health insurance either, I think it's safe to say that you've been making some major assumptions.
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