Women in southeastern Ontario, Canada seem to be treated amazingly well. I can't say if women around the world are treated equally, but in my area they seemingly are.
One thing I WOULD like to point out is the so-called "pay difference". Now, I have no facts to base it on atm, but I'd assuem that there are more men in high ranking positions than women. I'd hazard that most of those men are in their 50's or older, so in comparison with women their age, they're getting paid much more because frankly there aren't as many women in their field or with their qualifications.
Now, take THIS generation, for instance. I wouldn't be surprised if women were on an equal slate as men when I'm in my 50s, because frankly, women in this generation are equally educated, and being young right now, will get plenty of opportuntities to climb the job ladder.
I know some people say "women can't be considered equal unless there's a female president", or "well, there's not enough women on the senate, so it's unequal". I'll just relate that to my previous point. Women back in those days where all of today's politicians started off in, were not so much in politics. Nowadays, there are more starting up, but back then, there weren't many, and there was likely more discrimination back then.
Would it be fair to take a somewhat experienced, half-decent woman politician and put her in the senate just ebcause she's a women and they're under-represented? Not saying all women politicians aren't as skileld/experienced as male ones..it's just that I'd hazard a guess that the atio of male to female politicians in the 45+ age range vastly favors males, and that with that population advantage comes a ratio of male politicians who are at the top of their class.
People should get where they want to be by earning it, and today's women ARE earning it. Soon, they'll see the fruits of their efforts. That's much better than putting someone in a position they aren't qualified for just because they're under-represented. That's not fair for anyone.
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