Based upon empirical evidence... no.
Here's my chain of reasoning:
According to the votes, the majority of Gamespotters are smarter than the average Gamespotter.
In order for this to be possible, the majority of Gamespotters must be infinitely intelligent.
Thus, the average Gamespotter is infinitely intelligent.
My mind expends a finite amount of energy and has a finite mass. Meaning that my intelligence is finite.
Therefore, I am not more intelligent than the average Gamespotter.
Actually...Because some people say they aren't, that would bring the average just below (but approaching!) infintely intelligent, so there is a finite level of the average intelligence. :PI chose not to answer the poll, I believe I'm smarter in some subjects than many people here, but many others are smarter than me in others. Intelligence is hard to measure. I for example, am able to disect an animal and find all it's primary organs without any prior help (just because I've researched so much into it) but if I open the hood of a car and look at the engine, don't even bother asking me where the alternator is, or the piston's, or anything of the sort, I will probably break down and cry.
I remember disecting a pig in grade 12 biology...it was supposed to be two days of work, I found all my organs in the first day and got to read the next. Hahaha, also, before I cut it open, I tied two pieces of string to it's top arms (it was just a fetus, so it was very small) and made a small puppet show. Just to freak my one friend out who was my partner...she had to leave the room in grade 10 for frog disecting, and she chose me so I would do all the work (I LOVE disecting animals, and no I'm not going to be a serial killer :P) and she didn't appreciate a pig waving hello at her. :(
My biology teacher thought it was hilarious...I heard a rumour of the one kid who cut the head off and stuck it on a pencil and tried to recreate the Lord of the Flies with it. :P The joke ended when he snuck it out of class and allegedly chased a teacher around waving it.
Oh I'm sorry I dazed off for a bit. :shock:
If the majority of people are more intelligent than the average person, then the average intelligence has to RISE so that the intellectual capacity of the average approaches or equals the intellectual capacity of the majority. Since according to the poll, the majority is more intelligent than average, BOTH values have to rise CONSTANTLY. This means that the intelligence of the majority will hit infinity... and so will the intelligence of the entirety.
The average intelligence can be calculated by dividing the intelligence of the entirety by the number of entities within the entirety. Since there are a finite number of Gamespotters, you will essentially be dividing infinity by a finite amount. Therefore, your average will also be infinity.
Well this is assuming an infinite number of gamespot posters, not? Which we both know, the number of posters (which for my purpose, I will assume is OT Regulars) is a very finite amount.EDIT: I'm not being snide, now I am just questioning btw.
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