Mine don't. On one side there is a cool family of 3 and on the other 2 old fogies that don't even leave the house.
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With passion.
They complain about anything and everything, mostly noise
Then I find myself awake at 3 am listening to them playing the piano :x
Yes and no.
One side has this really cool hippy couple with a van, he plays the guitar and I think he smokes pot. The other side has this really loud family which inclues 4-5 children and a mum and dad who seem to work from home.
On 1 side the owner of the house is on the road a lot so I don't see him too often, though his black lab barks quite a bit at night he's cool
On the other side the old lady tried to sell the house for a long while but I think she rented it out now instead, got a bunch of ppl living there now. The old lady called the cops on me because according to the cop, my dog barked too much and was causing a disturbance. Such blasphemous non-sense..:x.
[QUOTE="Kikouken"]I don't really see my neighbors often. But sometimes I would be parking my car in the driveway and notice that my neighbor is staring out the window at me >_>megageneThat's not true! I'm just bird watching! :xInterestingly in the UK a bird is a girl.....>__>
[QUOTE="Kikouken"]I don't really see my neighbors often. But sometimes I would be parking my car in the driveway and notice that my neighbor is staring out the window at me >_>megageneThat's not true! I'm just bird watching! :x Well do it at a park then ! :x
That's not true! I'm just bird watching! :xInterestingly in the UK a bird is a girl.....>__> Shhh! Don't crack the code! :x[QUOTE="megagene"][QUOTE="Kikouken"]I don't really see my neighbors often. But sometimes I would be parking my car in the driveway and notice that my neighbor is staring out the window at me >_>LJS9502_basic
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]Interestingly in the UK a bird is a girl.....>__> Shhh! Don't crack the code! :xSorry....forgive me.:cry:[QUOTE="megagene"] That's not true! I'm just bird watching! :xmegagene
Nope. My neighbors to the left are very nice and my neighbors to the right are new, so I don't even know them.
Cul-de-sac here. Everyone is okay, we don't talk to them much, but this ONE house we're almost convinced he's running some sort of drug setup. Different people walk into the cul de sac with nothing but a backpack or duffel go in for a bit, then come back out. Plus the guy's girl friend likes to park in front of our house. I think the guy is pretty "young", but he has like friends or buddies that drive into the cul-de-sac at night with their crappy music turned up loud. Once, this one b!tch that could be heard probably from two neighbourhoods away came waited in a car, and boy did she have a mouth. I'm pretty foulmouthed at times, but in public, at least try to keep it down, yeah?
I dislike the people across the street. They all seem to be afraid of the dark, as all the lights in their house are on constantly, all night long. And they have a bunch of spotlights in their lawn. It's so bright, that the lights seeps through my blinds and stops me from falling asleep.
That's nothing though. My friend has a lunatic woman living across the street. She always has hallucinations and thinks everyone is out to get her. I was sleeping over there once, and was awoken by the sound of hammering. The lady was knocking on the door so hard that her hand bones broke and blood was ewverywhere. She claimed that giant mice were trying to eat her.
I dislike the people across the street. They all seem to be afraid of the dark, as all the lights in their house are on constantly, all night long. And they have a bunch of spotlights in their lawn. It's so bright, that the lights seeps through my blinds and stops me from falling asleep.
That's nothing though. My friend has a lunatic woman living across the street. She always has hallucinations and thinks everyone is out to get her. I was sleeping over there once, and was awoken by the sound of hammering. The lady was knocking on the door so hard that her hand bones broke and blood was ewverywhere. She claimed that giant mice were trying to eat her.
I want some of whatever she is smoking...
Lengthy post so go to last line for conclusion:
Ahh, neighbours...
My previous neighbours were the worst I could have had. I was at that address Apr 03-Oct 08. The first 1.5 years was great. The neighbours were painters/decoraters and never heard a peep out of them. They then moved and were replaced by fairly loud "working class" types (if you're in the UK, you'll know what I mean). The house was situated fairly close to a few bad areas within a few miles whichever direction you go in but locally, it's an ok area with nice enough people (excluding the odd nutters in the street who always seem to bother my family of all people) and it seemed like these new tenants next door were from those kinds of areas. Anyway, they were OK tbh and not really any trouble for the first 2 years, a bloke in his early 20's with his girlfriend. Loud on the weekends though and probably over what most people would consider acceptable including the dropping of weight lifting gear on the floor. The vibrations came though into our house. Being a terrace, it was only 10x worse.
In the summer of 06 though, he started kicking (presumably) our fence late one evening after a few drinks because he wanted to come through the garden and down the side alleyway to put his rubbish out (terraced housing with right of way). My dad went out and spoke his mind and was basically threatened. The guy made sure to let us know he was a "champion kickboxer". Looking at him, you wouldn't think so. He was skinny, bronze from the sun, wore a chain round his neck whenever he wasn't wearing a t shirt, with a smoke handing out his mouth. Basically, looked like he was straight out of a youth social club but that's what "they" all look like isn't it. :roll:
They moved out spring 07 for unknown reasons. A "To Let" sign was erected and when he got home he didn't look pleased. Good. Not long after that, someone who lived alone with his elderly mother 3 doors down told my dad to move our car from in front of his house before he got back. My dad didn't. The guy came up to our alleyway door and kicked it, then slammed it shut. Nutter. Luckily, my dad didn't know and I never told him, otherwise I think things would probably have got out of hand. Around the same time, scratch marks were found on the car.
Then there was bliss from then until Sep 07 as there were no tennants next door on that side. It was the calm before the storm, honestly. From the day they moved in it was a nightmare. I'm not kidding when I say I CANNOT remember a night when there wasn't a party. Same kind of trash that moved in last time, only it was 2 guys, who always had there drinking buddies (inc the roudiest girls) round. Running along the house like children, music blaring, banging on walls, slamming cupboards and doors, yelling, singing, having sex with the bed purposely pushed right against the partitioning wall, kicking radiators and dropping the weight lifting gear again, all in the early hours, EVERY...SINGLE...MORNING. I can guarantee, noone will have heard anything like it. They also owned a "tuned/kitted" type car which was frequently left in front of a barrier at the end of the road (dedicated emergency service use). It was also left in front of a neighbours house further up for over a fortnight until she called the Police who woke the guy up (in the day), to move the vehicle.
There was also another notable event which I told my parents about which finally drew the line and made them look for somewhere else to live. It was like any other morning, a group of aobut 3-4 of them came back but they'd forgot their keys. One guy was asleep inside so obviously they woke him up first by shouting his name and throwing stones at the window for 5 minutes so the whole street could hear. He couldn't have had a spare set of keys either, seeing as they booted their front door in. I just stared at the wall in disbelief as I heard the lock slide across the floor in their house.
So there you go. For the record, the one guy had a striking resemblance to the previous tennant which leads me to believe he was a relation. It would make sense that they went out of their way from the get go to make living there a truly miserable experience. That lasted until early Sep 08 until things went suspiciously quiet. The 2 f*****s were still there but something was going on. I'd seen numerous items being removed such as the main TV, a sign that they were leaving but they were still in the house for weeks. The landlord also got them to help fix up the garden with the builders. In the end, I'd guessed correctly and they were obviously helping so the landlord didn't charge them for destroying the house.
We moved Oct 1st 08 to our current address. My parents told me not more than 2-3 days after we moved, they had also moved somewhere else. Unbelievable. Unfortunately that's what you get when you can't afford to live anywhere better. Current neighbours are nice enough, 2 asian teenage girls who live with their mom. No problems. On the other side is a proper alleyway. The neighbour on that side has already told my dad to move a van from there and calling him a liar, as he's "always parking there and blocked access for his motorbike". Funny, seeing as we only hire a van every fortnight and park it there for 20 mins at the very most, in the middle of the day (when people should be working).
People = s***.
With passion.
They complain about anything and everything, mostly noise
Then I find myself awake at 3 am listening to them playing the piano :x
I have to admit that I often complain about noise in my apartment complex, where I live on the second of three floors.
BUT, I also try my level best to avoid subjecting my neighbors to noise. I tiptoe around in socks to avoid disturbing my downstairs neighbor, and I avoid using my bathroom's extractor fan because I know it disturbs my upstairs neighbor. Heck, I don't even flush my toilet between 11PM and 7AM anymore!!!
My own biggest complaint is that the unit opposite mine is inhabited by people who slam the front door full force every time they enter or exit. The managers have sent them two "cease and desist" letters already, but they just carry on ...
I don't like neighbors who don't get involved in the community. If they want to be individualists, then they can go live out in some field somewhere.
With passion.
They complain about anything and everything, mostly noise
Then I find myself awake at 3 am listening to them playing the piano :x
There's nothing wrong with piano at 3 am, or any other time of the day. If it's a keyboard, though, you should call the cops on them.
With passion.
They complain about anything and everything, mostly noise
Then I find myself awake at 3 am listening to them playing the piano :x
There's nothing wrong with piano at 3 am, or any other time of the day. If it's a keyboard, though, you should call the cops on them.
If I am not mistaken, this is the first time I see you make a joke :D
Or are you being serious... :|
Dang I'm pretty bad at reading ppl online
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