Do ignorant people ever just make you frustrated beyond rationality? In my speech class we got on the topic of Obama's beer summit, this is a girl's version(its paraphrased but still almost exactly what she said.
"Basically, A cop arrested one of Obama's friends 'cuz he was breaking into a a college professor'shouse, Obama's friend kept lying to him and wouldn't tell him what was going on so Obama decided to settle it by having a beer with the cop and his friend."
Yeh, what actually happened(tothe best of my knowledge)was Professor Gates("Obamas friend") came home from a vacation and his door was locked, so he had to break into his own house. his neighbor called the cops saying someone was breaking into their neighbors house. a cop(can't remember his name) came and knocked on the door, Gates answered but was very uncooperative. Obama settled the dispute by inviting Gates and the cop to the white house to have a beer.
keep in mind that where i live its VERY Republican. but even still when people talk about something they know NOTHING about, it drives me insane. its not even that we disagree about it, its that they think something for reasons that don't exist.
Another example: Me and my sister where talking about healthcare, neither of us want it. Her reason was that theres already plenty of healthcare companies so we don't need the government's healthcare and that Obama should be working on making jobs instead.
Again, WTF? we have the same opinion, but just the sheer ignorance of the reasoning is just unacceptable.
I don't want to make this too political but seriosly: its like saying God has to exist because the bible told me too. Or saying that every scientific theory is absolute indesputable fact. Or the universe is infinite because noone has seen the edge. it just makes me want to hit someone!
Ignorant people are really annoying. I can agree with someone but if they reached the opinion out of lack of understanding it drives me insane. People shouldn't talk about stuff they don't know anything about.
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